Page 6 of Court of Beasts
Snarling, I kick Lucien away. I wanted to watch him thrash and see him beg for his pathetic life and then watch his life drain from his eyes.
“Answer us and we will spare you.” Vale steps before me, blocking my view.
My hands fist at my sides, and anger surges through me. How dare he take my prey away? Pacing, I force myself to relax, focusing on my breathing. My eyes lock on the wolf, hoping he doesn’t answer. When he ignores us, Vale sighs and steps away, giving me access.
Grinning evilly, I drop the prod and grab the man’s leg, dragging it through the bars as he kicks, but he’s weak. Pulling out my knife, I start to carve his skin as he howls and kicks. His screams fill the air, my cock hardening at the scent of his blood, until Vale’s barking voice brings me back.
I hesitate but drop the leg, knowing if I don’t respect his command, he will send me away, and no one else will work with me. I need this job, and I need them, so I bow my head in respect as the man writhes in the cage, bleeding and gasping.
The dark part of me likes that and wants more.
“Will you answer now, or shall I allow him to continue?” Vale asks conversationally, used to my ways.
“Fine,” the wolf hisses, his voice more of a growl, and Vale leans closer to hear. “There is a pack, but you will never get to them.”
“Where?” Vale demands, hitting the bars.
The wolf jumps but laughs. “The Red Rock Pack. They are close, but you don’t stand a chance. Nothing can defeat them.” He lifts his head, his eyes fading to the black of his wolf as he fights the drug.
“Watch us,” Vale says as he stands. “Put this feral dog out of its misery.”
The feral snarls, leaping at the bars as I step before him. “Gladly,” I say as I take out my knife once more. “This might hurt a little . . . or a lot.”
His screams fill the air within minutes, echoing across the land.
It’s a warning to the other wolves.
I’m coming for them.
Imanage to get a few hours of sleep before I roll out of bed and dress. Most spend their time naked, but I always dress when I’m attending an important pack meeting. It seems wrong to plant my bare ass on leather and discuss strategy, plus I know Tetrim will be there as a beta, and I don’t want to give him any more opportunity to ogle me.
I slip on some cut-off jean shorts and a white tank top before stuffing my hair into a bun and jogging over to the pack house. Unlike the rest of the cabins and houses here, the pack house is three stories and huge. The top story is for the alpha and his family, and I still have a room there. The second floor has guest bedrooms, and the bottom floor has the kitchen and communal dining and living areas, which are always filled with pack members.
I slip through their masses, ignoring the calls from those eating or watching films, and head down the stone steps at the back that lead to two double doors—the only room in the house that’s soundproof. I don’t bother knocking. I just let myself in, closing the doors behind me and instantly relaxing at the familiar, homey scent of Jang’s office.
Jang is already behind his desk, a cup of coffee before him, with his hands steepled under his chin. The chairs to the right have been taken up by the other betas, so I drop onto the brown leather settee. I’ve slept in here more times than I can count, wanting to be near Jang while he worked when I was younger and falling asleep, only to wake to him carrying me to bed.
The walls are the same dark wood as it was when I was a kid, decorated with paintings from one of our artist pack members. There are glass-fronted bookcases on either side, and behind Jang is a window with the deep green curtains partially pulled shut.
It’s cosy, and I love it.
The door opens, emitting Tetrim and Dom, the final betas.
I widen my eyes at Dom, pleading silently, as Tetrim spots me and grins, heading my way to sit way too close, but Dom shoves him out of the way with a good-natured grin and flops next to me, lifting my legs and laying them across his lap. I snuggle closer, throwing a dirty glare at Tetrim, who snarls and slams the door, sitting stiffly in the final seat.
Dom’s fingers stroke my leg. It’s a comforting gesture since us wolves are all about touch, and I blow him a thank you kiss. I’ve had Dom before. He’s strong and capable. As one of the betas whose duty is to protect the pack, he never oversteps his mark or gets ideas about us. Plus, it helps that he’s so pretty. He has dark auburn hair, bright green eyes, and muscles to die for. He’s so beautiful, sometimes I get jealous.
Leaning into me, he rubs his lips across my ear. “Tonight?” he asks.
Another thing I like about him is that he asks and never assumes. He knows I will never be his, never be tied down, and he’s happy with what we have.
“Tonight,” I confirm as Jang clears his throat, throwing us a narrow-eyed look.
Dom chuckles and sits back as I wave at him. “You should show respect for your alpha,” Tetrim snarls.