Page 62 of Court of Beasts
“Sure, sounds good to me.” A good hunt might just brighten my mood and remind me why I’m doing this.
“Come on.” He takes my hand, and we jog to the perimeter of the trees where we quickly shed our clothes, stuffing them in a hollow log before changing. We slink into the trees, our paws hitting the ground as Dom gives me a wolfy smile then takes off.
His brown wolf is a blur. He’s smaller than some but strong as hell. He’s still not as fast as me, though, and he knows it. It’s a game, and I give him a head start before racing after him.
The scent of rabbit fills my nose, and I war with my wolf’s natural instincts to hunt, bloodlust making my ears and tail twitch. Dom smells it as well, and we turn. I go right, and he goes left. With my nose down, I hunt the rabbit.
Dom snaps a twig to get it to run, both of us used to hunting with the other, and then we are off.
With a leap, I land on the furry animal and quickly snap its neck to make its death humane. I send my gratitude into the earth that provides as I lift the bleeding rabbit in my jaws and show Dom as he pads into the clearing.
His tail wags for a moment, letting me know he’s playing, and then he lunges at me, snarling. I drop the rabbit and meet him head-on. We smack into the ground and roll, our paws hitting each other. He tries to pin me, and I dart out of reach. His front paws slide out, pushing his ass higher into the air, as he watches me and then lunges again.
He’s trying to roll me to get me to present under him.
It’s a game, it’s flirting, and we both know it. When he succeeds in pinning me, I shift back to my human form, as does he. Dom is naked and panting on top of me, his eyes blazing with desire as he drops his head and presses his lips to mine.
I grip his shoulders, digging my nails in as I widen my legs to welcome him. It’s a familiar move, but the kiss seems wrong.
It’s sloppy and not hard enough. My wolf almost rejects it, and I’m about to pull away when Dom suddenly vanishes.
I jerk upright to find a furious Tetrim standing above me, his hands balled into fists. He spares me a disgusted look, and then he, too, is gone.
Leaping to my feet, I race after them, coming to a stop in the tree line to see Dom getting to his feet on the grass as the pack gathers, no doubt hearing the trouble. “What the fuck, man?” Dom demands, but Tetrim doesn’t stop.
He heads right to him, slamming his fist into Dom’s face. Dom doesn’t fight back, knowing the rules. This isn’t a fight, it’s an unofficial challenge, but both of them could be banished for it. In wolf form, it’s fine, but as humans?
A challenge must be issued, and Dom knows that, so he’s playing by the rules.
Gritting my teeth, I head their way, annoyed as both Dom’s friend and as beta of this pack. I can’t believe Tetrim would so easily ignore our rules and flaunt possessiveness over someone who isn’t even his. Dom goes down hard as Tetrim continues to pummel him, never once protecting himself.
I catch Tetrim’s fist midair as he goes to hit Dom again, his dark eyes coming to me. “I challenge you,” I declare officially as I thrust him away.
Gasps ring out, and a crowd forms. No doubt Jang and the others will hear about it soon. I already see White and Filmea watching. They nod at me in understanding as I step back to face Tetrim.
“You dare attack another pack member unprovoked without issuing a challenge? You dare to taunt the authority of this pack and our laws? The laws that keep us safe? Do you think you areabove the alpha?” I spit as White grabs Dom and helps him up. I spare him a look to ensure he’ll heal quickly.
“Quinn,” Tetrim starts, but I turn my glare on him.
“You just proved you have no respect for this pack or Alpha Jang. You will be punished for so confidently flaunting your disrespect of our laws.”
“Why, because I hurt your boyfriend?” he sneers.
“No, because you dared to strike a pack member without a challenge. You want to fight, Tetrim? Fine, let’s fight.” I offer no more words. After all, this has been a long time coming.
He’s a pain in the ass but also strong, so I can’t underestimate him. He must be stopped, however, and punished before he believes he’s untouchable.
I make the first move. Ignoring the pack and the whispers, I fling myself at him. He steps back as I expected, and I sweep my leg out, knocking him to the ground as I look down on him.
“I won’t hurt you,” he tells me. “I don’t want to embarrass my future mate.”
“I have no such qualms.” I slam my foot into his head, making him jerk up with a groan. Grabbing his chin, I yank him to his feet and drive my fist into his face, knocking him back down. When he stumbles yet again, I spin and kick, hitting him across the head and sending him flying.
“I don’t even have to shift to kick your ass,” I sneer at him, watching my words land like I expected.
There is one thing I know for sure about Tetrim—he wants to be an alpha male, which means he’s unable to let anyone else, especially a woman, win. With a snarl, he leaps to his feet and grabs for me, but I dance out of reach.
“So you’re okay hitting a beta who won’t fight back, but you can’t win against a girl?”