Page 71 of Court of Beasts
“Silence!” he roars as I wince. “I want her to speak. I want to hear it from her tongue.”
“Maybe we should all calm down.” White moves to our side. “Alpha, we need to alert the pack and prepare for an attack. If the hunter is free, then he will lead them straight here.”
Jang peers into my eyes for a second more before shoving me away. I stumble but right myself. “Take her away, lock her up, and keep her out of my sight.”
“Yes, Alpha.” Filmea quickly grabs my arm, leading me from the office and towards the cells. Once out of earshot, she softens and asks, “What’s the plan, Quinn? You have one, and I know it. Just tell us. You know we will be on your side.”
I don’t speak. I can’t. I won’t endanger them more. I took a chance.
Sighing, she leads me to the cells and locks me inside the one Jai occupied, and then she stands there, eyeing me sadly. “You are a great woman, Quinn, and a brilliant wolf. I have always thought so, but you need to know when to trust someone. We are your pack. Don’t let this be your end. You are destined for a great deal more.”
She slams and locks the door, leaving me here.
Sliding down the wall, I hang my head.
She’s wrong. My destiny ends here. I just hope I don’t take Jang and my mother with me.
Being a prisoner is surprisingly boring.
I know they will be patrolling, expecting an immediate attack. News will have spread, and all that I have fought for and built will be destroyed. I will never be trusted again.
I just hope I was right. I hope wherever Jai is right now, he’s fighting just as hard, risking everything to keep our families safe. Otherwise, it was all for nothing.
I pass the time thinking through every option, what he could be doing, what our pack needs to do now, and what we coulddo if Jai fails. My mind is working overtime, leaving me with a headache, and my wolf growls in annoyance.
No wolf likes being trapped, after all.
There’s a fumbling sound at the door, and I jerk my head up, hearing muffled voices beyond.
“That is my daughter! You will let me in there right now, White, or I swear to God I will rip off your balls and choke you with them. Move aside!” My mother doesn’t outrank them, yet she is a terrifying force of nature, and the sound of her insistence and anger brings tears to my eyes as she fights her pack to get to me—and wins.
When she sees me, her anger fades, and she rushes to the bars. “Oh, my Quinny.” I press my head to her shoulder as she holds me as much as she can through the bars.
She says nothing. She just holds me with a mother’s unconditional love, even knowing I’m here on Jang’s orders.
“It’s going to be okay,” she whispers.
Something in me breaks. “I had to do it, Mum.”
“Shh, I know.” Pulling back, she smiles sadly, brushing my hair from my face. “My Quinny, you have always had such a strong sense of justice. You did what you did, and I trust those reasons, whatever they are. I trust you, Quinn,” she promises, kissing my forehead. “Dad will come around. He’s just worried about you.”
Closing my eyes, I soak in her familiar scent and comfort as she holds me. “I never wanted to hurt anyone,” I admit.
“I know. Sometimes we do things for those we love, things others will never understand.” She looks at me knowingly. “Love doesn’t make sense. It isn’t logical; it’s instinctive. It’s a call deep inside that we cannot ignore. Love makes us crazy, but in the best possible way.”
“Why are you telling me that?” I mutter.
“No reason.” She smiles knowingly. “One day, you will understand.”
The door opens, and Jang’s scent hits us. Marie’s eyes tighten, but she leans in and kisses my forehead. “Trust in your heart, Quinny. It will never lead you wrong.” She stands and turns to face Jang.
Her arms are crossed, and her feet are spread as if she would fight the world itself to keep me safe.
“Leave, mate,” Jang commands.
The bags under his eyes are pronounced, and his body bristles with his wolf.
He’s angry—no, he’s furious.