Page 74 of Court of Beasts
“We follow the trail of bodies of course.” I smirk. “We are hunters, after all. We just need proof.”
“Then let’s get hunting.” Jai jumps to his feet, blurring, and we step backwards. “Oops, sorry, still getting used to this new speed.”
“Sure, erm, just don’t do that in front of humans, okay?” I wince.
“Sure, sure.” He grins, grabbing his bag and ripping it. “Oops.”
Sighing, I glance at Lucien to see him smiling.
Fucking wolves.
“This is the third graveyard,” Lucien grumbles. “Surely the necromancer has to strike here tonight. I can’t think of any others.”
The one we are in is about two hours outside of the motel. It’s small and in the middle of nowhere, but we found one of the bodies here at the beginning.
“Let’s hope so.” I sigh as we move through the forgotten gravestones, searching for any signs of dark magic. We are rapidly losing hope and steam and all the while, I’m questioning if this is the right decision or not.
Jai and my brother believe in this, though, and they are right. We don’t want to be the bad guys, so here we are, trying to save the wolves by tracking dark magic. Fun.
Two hours later, and we are still trawling through the graves and starting to lose hope when something lurches in the shadows.
I pull my knife and squint into the darkness. The shadows created by the trees near the older graves are almost pitch black, but there is an old iron fence running across the back, so whatever is there will have to come this way.
Carefully, so as not to spook whatever is lingering there, I let out a whistle to alert the others. Despite their best efforts, I hear them heading my way, and whatever is hiding in the shadows does as well. There’s a hair-raising growl, one that doesn’t soundhuman, and then it bursts from the cover of darkness faster than I thought possible.
My eyes widen as I get my first look at the thing lurching towards me faster than it should be able to since it’s rotting and all.
It’s a fucking zombie. Its eyes are sunken in, pure white, and bloodshot. Its skin is melting from its bones with some poking through, and its old-fashioned suit is in tatters. The smell hits me next, brought by the breeze now wafting through the cemetery.
I repress a gag even as I step back. Its head tilts before swinging my way, and its mouth opens, showing yellow and black teeth. It lets out another roar before ambling my way.
“Motherfucker,” I hiss. “Oh, let’s go track dark magic, that sounds fun.”
“Vale!” Lucien hollers. “Zombie!”
“Yeah, no shit!” I yell, stepping back slowly.
It tracks my movements and follows, hunting me.
There is no way I’m letting that rotting motherfucker put its mouth on me. I don’t plan on being anyone’s meal—well, maybe the wolf.Shit, no, focus.
Just then, a blur shoots past me, and I stumble back. When I finally bring it into focus, I see Jai pinning the zombie down, its arms and legs tied with rope, cutting into its skin. It bites at the ground, emitting that low, hair-raising growl.
“Shit, man, you’re fast,” I mutter, covering the fact I nearly screamed.
He grins over at me, his eyes bright with his wolf. “Guess this shit proves there’s definitely a necro.”
“For sure,” Lucien replies as he stops by my side. “Why didn’t you stop the zombie?”
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe because I didn’t want to get eaten,” I retort. “I’m not into the whole rotting flesh thing.”
“Really? So just fur, huh?” he jokes, and I snap my gaze to him. He holds his hands up and moves over to Jai to help haul the zombie up. It snaps at him, and Lucien falls back with a yell, his arms windmilling before he hits the ground.
Chuckling, I walk past him. “Not so tough now, are you?” I mock as I drop my bag and grab the gag. With a wince, I shove it into the zombie’s mouth, tightening it at the back. I gag at the scent filling my nose and the feel of its slimy, cold skin. Wiping my hands, I nod at Jai. “Let’s get this back to HQ. They will have to believe us now and direct their attention to hunting down the necromancer, not the wolves. Just, erm, maybe stop the glowing eyes.”
“Oh, right.” He drops his head in embarrassment and blinks. When he looks back at me, they are still glowing but not as bright. “Is that better?”
“Maybe just stay in the car.” I crinkle my nose as Lucien laughs.