Page 26 of Forbidden Desire
NowthatI’man adult,I’velearned to control my panic response somewhat.Ican walk past a dog on a leash with no problem.ButIstill don’t like it when a dog is running around free.Especiallyif it’s a big dog, that might jump up on me.Idon’t care how friendly it is—Idon’t like that.I’veleft friend’s houses before because they couldn’t understand my fear and refused to put their dog in the next room whileIwas there.
Butenough about my phobia.Iwas staring at the white scars on the mysterious masked man’s left wrist andIknew he wasCole.Iflicked my eyes away when he saw me looking though, and bent to examine the shoes.Therewere five pairs there and they all looked to be my size—just like the clothes.
Itall made sense now—of course my big brother would make it his business to know my sizes.Andof course he would choose clothes that would appeal to him.Ihad noticed that most of the outfits were either topless or made specifically to show off my breasts.Colewas most definitely a breast man—Iknew that from the way he looked at me and from some of the thingsI’dheard him say while he was jerking off.Thingslike,
“God, baby—why did you have to grow such big, gorgeous tits?”
LikeIsaid,Iwas pretty much flat as a board untilIwas twenty-one, so my big breasts were still relatively new to both of us.Andit was clear that my big brother found them to be quite a temptation.
“Doyou like the thingsIpicked for you?” he rumbled, breaking into my train of thought.Ihad a feeling he was raising an eyebrow at me, though of courseIcouldn’t see it because of that damn mask.
“Doyoulike them?”Icountered. “Mostof them seem to be made to show off my breasts,”Iadded, voicing my earlier thoughts. “Isthat on purpose?”
“Well, your breasts are beautiful,” he growled softly. “Sobig and ripe.”
“Doyou want me to show them to you whenIdance for you?”Iasked, raising an eyebrow. “Imean, how much of a show do you want?AmIjust pole dancing, or amIstripping for you?”
Hisanswer was unhesitating.
“Stripfor me, baby,” he growled. “Iwant to see all of your beautiful body.”
“Anddo you want a lap dance, too?”Iasked, wondering how far my big brother was willing to go.
Heshifted from foot to foot uncertainly.Irisked a glance down at the crotch of his trousers and saw that he was most definitely hard.Hewantedto say yes—Iwas sure of it.
“Let’sjust play it by ear,” he said at last. “Letme see you dance first.”
“Allright,”Isaid lightly. “Giveme a minute to get ready.Er…do you have any music?”
“Ofcourse.”Henodded. “I’llstart it when you come in.Fornow,I’llgo wait for you in the living room.”
Heleft the room with a long last look at me before closing the door andIfelt a thrill of excitement go through me.
Iwasn’t here to dance for some random guy who might have seen me at the strip club—Iwas here to put on a private show for my own big brother.Iwas here to give him something he couldn’t admit he wanted from me, his little sister.
Iwas here because he wanted me the same wayIwanted him.
Iintended to give him a show he would never forget.
Iwent back to the living room, where a stripper pole had been set up, and settled back on the long black leather couch.Ihad the remote to the music system at hand as well as the remote to the lighting which had only recently been installed, as per my instructions.Rightnow the overheadLEDlights were glowing a dim red, butIhad the option to change colors or make things brighter ifIwanted to, for a better view.
Imight have gone atinybit overboard with this whole set up,Iadmitted to myself asIrelaxed on the couch—ortriedto relax, since my cock was so hard it felt likeIcould fuck through a concrete wall.Ihad spent quite a lot of money on this little venture—especially on the clothesI’dpicked for my little sister to wear while she danced for me.
Thewhole thing had made my second in command,Kurt, extremely uneasy.
“Idon’t know, boss,” he said, as he was driving me there that night, prior to going to getDelilah. “Yousure this is a good idea?Imean, you’re really going to let your own little sister strip for you?”
“She’snot really going tostrip,”Isaid, shifting uncomfortably. “I’mjust going to scare her a little—make her think she’s in real danger of being mated to some guy who’s old enough to be her grandfather.Thatwill make her think twice about working at a sleazy fucking club likeTheDollHouseagain.”
“Idon’t know,”Kurtsaid again, shaking his head. “See,youknow that andIknow that but if anyone else found out what you were doing, well…it wouldn’t look so good.Itwould look like you were pretty damn close to breaking one of theUnbreakableLaws.”
“Youmean the way we break theLawagainst breeding inFurFormevery damn time we have a female on herHeatCycle?”Idemanded, getting defensive.
“Whatare you talking about?Wedon’t break theUnbreakableLaws!”Kurtexclaimed.