Page 4 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 4 of Forbidden Desire

Shenodded and then yawned, whichIthink surprised her because her eyes went wide and she put a hand over her mouth.

Igrinned at her.

“Ithink that means yes.”

“Ithink so, too.”Shelay back down in the bed andIpulled the covers up, tucking her in.

“Tryand get some rest,”Itold her asIstood up. “Iknow things are tough, but getting some sleep will help—at least a little.”

“Okay.”Hereyes were already closing but asIturned to go, she reached out and grabbed my hand. “Cole?”

“Mmm-hmm?”Iturned back to her.

“Thankyou,” she whispered. “Bigbrother.”

“You’rewelcome, little sister.”Isqueezed her hand gently.Itfelt so small and fragile in my own hand.Evenback then, at seventeen,Iwas starting to take after my dad.He’ssix foot six and extremely muscular—or he was.Iwasn’t there yet, butIwould be soon.AndDelilahwas so little and skinny back then.

Hereyelids drooped and her hand dropped away from mine.Itucked the covers over her once more and left the room quietly.Ididn’t think much of the incident—not consciously, anyway.ButIthink that was the moment whenDelilahreally found her way into my heart…and the reasonIbecame so protective of her.

Evenwhen we both got older and she started being a major pain in my ass.

“Whatis it?”Iasked my second in command, coming back to the present. “Comeon,Kurt—spit it out.WhathasDelilahgotten herself into this time?”

“She’s…got a new job.”Kurtstill wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“Ajob?”Ifrowned. “Whatkind of job?”

Tobe honest, my little sister isn’t the best at holding down steady employment.Sheflits from job to job like a butterfly sampling flowers.Butshe’s also inGradschool atUSFstudying to become a psychologist, soIlet it slide.Shehas her trust fund that was set up by her blood parents before they were killed—it takes care of most of her expenses, allowing her to do pretty much whatever she wants.SoIguess it’s amazing she works at all.

Butthis must be no ordinary job becauseKurtlooked more and more unhappy about having to tell me about it.

“Whatthe fuck is it?”Igrowled. “What’sshe doing?”

“She’s…she’s working atTheDollHouse,” he said at last.


TheDollHouseis a sleazy “Gentleman’sClub” not far from the airport.It’sfrequented by assholes, lowlifes, and dealers—not to mention plenty ofWeres.Abad place for anyone likeDelilahto end up.TheRoyalBloodin her ancestry would make her attractive to all the wrong types.Thoughcome to think of it,Ididn’t like the idea of my littler sister being attractive toanytype of man at all.

“Whatis she doing—waitressing?”IaskedKurt. “Bartending?What?”

“She’s…”Hetook a deep breath. “Cole, she’s stripping.Ithought you ought to know.”

“What?”Iwas out of my seat and out from behind my desk in a heartbeat. “Thefuckdid you say?”Idemanded. “Didyou say she’sstripping?”

“Rightnow, in fact,”Kurtadmitted. “Ijust got a call from one of ourAlphas.Hethought you ought to know your little sister was, uh, ‘shaking her money maker’ as he put it.”

Hetried to smile, but the joke fell flat.Iwas already pulling on my suit jacket and straightening my tie.Idress to make an impression andIwas damn sure going to make one on my little sister tonight—the impression of my hand on her ass!

“Getthe car,”Isnapped toKurt, asIslipped myGlockinto its holster under my arm.ThankstoFlorida’snewly relaxed gun laws,Icould carry it anywhereIwanted with no repercussions.Ididn’t expect to have to use it but if any of those fuckers started getting handsy with my little sister, well—Imight scare the fuck out of them.

OrImight just take them out behind the sleazy club and shoot them.Dependedon my mood.

Onething was for sure, though—Delilahwas about to be in very hot water.



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