Page 45 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 45 of Forbidden Desire

“It’snot for us to decide your fate—it’s theCouncil,” the firstAlphasaid shortly.

“Gether in the shed,” the secondAlphasaid to the other. “Thencome help me with thePackmaster—he’s one heavy sonuvabitch!”

ThefirstAlphaled me to a small shack with a shiny silver chain on the door.Heopened it and shoved me inside.

“Getcomfortable, you’ll be here for a while,” he snapped.Thenhe went back to help the other guy carryColeinside.

WhileIwaited for them,Ilooked around the small shack.Isaw what looked like claw marks on some of the walls, low down, as though some huge animal had tried to claw its way out.Butall the baseboards were reinforced with metal that went two feet up the wall and was bolted into the floor as well—it didn’t look to me like anyone—or anything—had successfully escaped.

ThetwoAlphascame back in, panting and luggingColebetween them.Theydumped him on a bare mattress on the floor, which was the only furnishing besides a rickety wooden table in the corner.

Oneof them came back one more time to place some bottles of water and some protein bars on the table.

“I’dmake those last ifIwere you,” he said to me as he left them there. “That’sall you’ll get for a while and you’ll need your strength to go through theChoosingCeremony.”

Thenhe left andIheard the heavy silver chain rattling as it was locked in place.

Theywere gone andColeandIwere locked into a place that was sealed with a silver chain—we were trapped until someone came and let us out.

ButIwas desperately afraid of what might happen when they did.



Colefinally woke up maybe an hour before dawn.Hiseyes fluttered open and he put a hand to his head and groaned something that sounded like,

“Wha’ th’ fuck?”

“Cole?”Iwas so glad to see him awake againIcould have cried.I’dbeen snuggled up next to him, trying to get warm and not succeeding very well.Itwas very dark in the small hut—there was a single window, too narrow for an adult to get through—but it only let a little bit of moonlight in.Probablybecause we were in the shadow of the forest here with huge trees rustling overhead.

“Lilah?” he asked, rubbing his head as he sat up. “Whyare you naked?”Helooked down at himself. “WhyamInaked for that matter?”

“Don’tyou remember anything?”Ishivered asIsat up next to him. “Wewere together at the penthouse—”

“OhGod…”Hegroaned, shaking his head. “Ifucked you, didn’tI?”

“No, you didn’t!”Isaid quickly. “Thatis, youalmostdid, but—”

“ButIremember putting my cock all the way inside you…and then pulling out of you and seeing my cum leak out of your pussy,” he protested. “Igot my knot in you too—I’msureIremember that!”

“Onlyfor a minute—notevena minute,”Itold him. “Andyou only spurted once or twice inside me—then you pulled out and came on my breasts instead.”

“Still,Ican’t believeIdid that,” he growled, shaking his head. “Can’tbelieveIgave my own little sister a creamy pussy.”

“Cole, that’s not what’s important!”Itold him. “Iwouldn’t have cared if you’d knotted me and bred me!Iwouldn’t mind having a breeding bump by you right now!”

“Ididn’t’ do that to you, too—didI?”Inthe darkness his big hand felt for my belly. “Stillflat, butIremember seeing it bulge whenIput my cock in you,”Iheard him mutter to himself.Thenhe added, “Lilah, you’re ice cold!”

“There’sno heating in here,Idon’t think,”Isaid and shivered.

“Comehere.”Colelooped one long arm around me and drew me close to his big body. “Nowtell me, what the fuck else happened?Iseem to have a hole in my memory.”

“Afteryou, uh, came in me and pulled out of me, some guy namedRicktercame in,”Itold him, leaning close to his side to try and get warm. “He, uh, caught us right after you pulled out.Hesaid he was on theProvisionalCounciland he sprayed you in the face with something that knocked you out.”

“Rickter?”Hegrowled, his voice going low and dangerous. “Thatson of a bitch.Hedidn’t touch you whileIwas out, did he?”

“No—nobody touched me.”Icouldn’t bear to tell him about theChoosingCeremonywhichIwas supposed to participate in very soon. “They…they left me alone,”Isaid.

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