Page 52 of Forbidden Desire
“W-what are you talking about?”Idemanded in a shaking voice.
“I’mtalking aboutyou,my lovely littleWerebitch.”Rickter’sshifty eyes crawled over my naked body, making me wishIhad a suit of armor on—or maybe an invisibility cloak to hide from his leering gaze.
“WhatdoesDelilahhave to do with anything?”Coledemanded.
“Oh, your little sister is special—haven’t you noticed?”Rickterpointed at my face andIrealized he meant my one golden eye. “She’sgot the blood of theRoyalWeresin her—the blood of theFirstWolves,” he continued. “Don’tyou know that a female with those bloodlines is guaranteed to have sons whoseWolvesare bigger, stronger, and faster than any others?Withsons like that, a male can build a dynasty!”
“That’sall superstitious nonsense,”Colesaid dismissively.
“That’swhere you’re wrong,Packmaster—or shouldIsayex-Packmaster,”Ricktersneered. “Yourlittle sister is special—I’mso sure of it,I’vetaken great pains to secure her as my mate.”
“What?”Alow growl began to rise inCole’sthroat. “You’llnever have her—she’smine!”Hesnarled, the fur standing up on the back of his neck, which made him look even bigger and more menacing.
“Youcan’t claim your own sister as a mate!”Rickterscoffed at him. “ThoughI’mvery glad you tried—in just a few minutesI’llbe showing the evidence of what you did with her to the entireCouncil.Oncethey see how you molested your own sweet little sister,I’msure they’ll agree that you’re no longer fit to bePackmasterand that thePackneeds a better,more experiencedmale to lead it.”
“Youcan’t take my place that easily,Rickter,”Colegrowled. “I’lllet theCouncilknow you’ve been planning to replace me!”
“Doyou really think they’ll care once they see the pictures of your own little sister dripping with your seed?”Rickterdemanded. “SpeakingofDelilah, it’s time for her to get ready for herChoosingCeremony.”
“No!”Igasped, backing further away from him.
“Youdon’t fucking touch her!”Colesnarled, keeping himself between me and the shotguns.
Rickterlunged forward but instead of the gun, he suddenly had the spray can again—the one he’d used onColeearlier.
“Cole, watch out!”Iscreamed and my big brother ducked his shaggy head but not quite enough.Someof the spray caught him in the face and he began to wobble—suddenly unsteady on his four feet.
“He’salmost out—Kurt, you take the girl,”Ricktersnapped.IsawCole’seyes roll up to look at his second in command even as he collapsed to the floor.
“Kurt?” he growled. “How…could you?”
Kurtlooked ashamed as he stepped pastCole’sbigWolfbody.
“Sorry,Boss,” he mumbled “Ihave to stick with the winning side, you know?Comeon,” this last was directed at me as he took me by the arm.
“Cole!No!”Istruggled away and ran to fall on my knees beside him.Iwrapped my arms around his big, shaggy neck and buried my face in the ruff at his neck. “Ohbig, brother!”Isobbed, pressing my face into his soft, warm fur. “Oh, please!”
“Lilah…”Hiseyes were barely open and it was clear he was making an immense effort to speak. “I’ll…come…for…you,” he rasped out. “Love…you.”
“Ilove you too!”Isobbed.AndthenKurtand the otherAlphawere dragging me up off the floor, away fromCole’sWolf.
“Goon, my dear,”Ricktersaid to me, his eyes crawling all over my naked body again. “Getready for yourChoosingCeremony.Andjust know that it ismyknot you will be accepting by the end of the night!”
“Never!”Ispat at him. “I’llnever let you knot me!Idon’t want anyone butCole!”
“I’mafraid it’s against theUnbreakableLawsto let your own big brother knot you,” he said, making a face. “Also, once theCouncildeclares me the newPackmasterandIlet all theAlphasknowIwant you for myself, no one else will dare to try and knot you.They’llleave that pleasure tome.AndIpromise, itwillbe a pleasure to bend such a headstrong little bitch to my will.”
“You’redreaming!”Isnarled. “I’llnever give in to you,Rickter—never!”
“Ohbut you’re wrong, my dear,” he purred, giving me a lascivious look. “Bythe end of this night you’ll be wearing my breeding bump with pride.Andby the end of the year, you’ll be bearing me the first of many sons to start my dynasty!”Hemotioned atKurt. “Nowgo—get her to theElderBitchesso they can ready her for the ceremony.Ihave some business with theCouncilbeforeIcan take my pleasure with her.”
AndthenKurtand the otherAlphaguard dragged me out of the hut, away fromCole’sprone body to get ready for the ceremonyIdreaded.
Iwoke up when someone sprayed something cold directly into my sensitive nose.