Page 54 of Forbidden Desire
“Idon’t think theUnbreakableLawsshould apply to the two of you,”Kurtsaid firmly. “Afterall, there’s no blood tie between you and it’s clear to anyone who sees you that you belong together.”
“That’showIfeel too,”Igrowled. “I’mgoing to claimDelilahtonight—but firstIhave to deal with that bastard,Rickter.”
“Comeon then,”Kurttold me. “TheCouncilis meeting under the trees on the other side of the clearing.Weneed to be quiet and sneak around the perimeter.”
“Leadthe way,”Itold him.
Henodded and we slipped out the door together.
AftertheAlphasdelivered me to theElderBitches—grandmotherly women who help get a ripeWerebitch ready for herChoosingCeremony—Ididn’t know what to do.Ithought of trying to run away again, butIwas literally surrounded—Icould see a ring of wolves guarding the edge of the smaller clearing we were in.Iknew for a factIcouldn’t outrun them, soIfelt stuck.
“Comenow, dearie,” one of theElderBitches—a kindly looking woman with a wrinkled face and gray hair said to me. “It’stime to bathe you in the moon pool and get you ready to choose your mate!”
“WhatifIdon’t want to choose a mate!”Iexclaimed,Ifelt like crying.Icouldn’t stop thinking ofCole’slimp, shaggy form lying there on the floor of the shack and how he’d told me that he loved me.
“Oh, you might not think youwantto, but youneedto,” theElderBitchassured me. “Why—just look at your breasts, leaking so much nectar!AndIbet your little cunny is justitchingto be bred!”
Iwasn’t itching, butIwas feeling hot and achy and empty again and my pussy was making what seemed like an excessive amount of honey.Ilet theElderBitcheslead me down to the moon pool—which was a still, quiet lake with a rocky bottom in the center of the small clearing.
“Areyou sure it’s safe to get in there?”Iasked, shivering.Thecold spell of the night before was over, butIstill didn’t like the idea of getting into a chilly lake—especially considering any body of water inFloridais likely to have gators in it.
“Wehad theAlphascheck it,” one of theElderBitchespromised me. “It’sall right, dearie—just walk out up to your knees and wash yourself in the water—it will purify you for theChoosingCeremony.”
Ididn’t want to do it, but by that timeIwas desperate to cool down.Mybody seemed to be going into overdrive andIunderstood now why it was called aHeatCycle—Iwas hot and needy all over!
“Allright,”Isaid and did as she ordered.Twoof theElderBitcheswaded out with me and used specially carved wooden bowls to scoop up the cold water and pour it over my body.
Itwas surprisingly refreshing.Floridahas a lot of underground freshwater springs andIfigured that one of them must be feeding this little pool.
Iwas cooled off and shivering by the timeIstepped out again.TheElderBitchesdried me with fluffy towels and then escorted me from the smaller clearing to the larger one.
Thelarger clearing was already filling with mated pairs and alsoUnmatedAlphas.Afew of them had already changed to their partiallyShiftedforms andIshivered whenIsaw them.JustasColehad said, they looked like wolfmen—covered in fur with a wolf’s head and paws, but still somehow walking on their hind legs like men.
Oneof the wolfmenAlphascaught a look at me and started panting, his long pink tongue hanging out of his wolf’s jaws like a dog salivating over a juicy bone—onlyIwas the bone,Irealized.Evenworse,Isaw the furry pouch at his crotch quiver and then a long, thick, red cock suddenly emerged.Ithad a fist-sized knot at the base of it and it looked bigger than anythingI’dever had inside me before.
“OhmyGod!”Igasped, staring at the wolfman’s enormous cock.Surelyhe couldn’t intend to fit that thing inside me!
Oneof theElderBitchessaw whereIwas looking and squeezed my arm.
“Don’tyou worry, dearie,” she murmured soothingly. “Iknow it’s frightening, but theChoosingStonewill give you the energy to bear it.You’llget through the ceremony just fine—just like we all did.”Shenodded at the otherElderBitcheswho nodded back at her.
Itwas small comfort knowing that all the women here in the clearing had already undergone the ritualIwas about to participate in.Istill didn’t see howIcould bear to have that monstrous cock thrust deep in my pussy!Letalone five, ten, or even fifteen more like it!
Andyet, even asIthought that,Ifelt my pussy quiver and ache with emptiness.Ifelt even hotter now thanIhad beforeColehad shifted to hisWolfform and licked me!HisAlphacompounds must have worn off completely becauseIwasachingto be bred.
“Ah—smell that?Herscent just got hotter,” one of theElderBitchessaid to another knowingly.
“It’sbecause she saw one of thePartiallyShiftedand her body’s reacting,” the one by my side said.Shesqueezed my arm. “Nowyou see the wisdom of theChoosingCeremony, dearie.Whena female reaches the peak of herHeatCyclefor the first time, it’s very difficult for a single male to satisfy her.Sheneeds many different cocks thrust in her pussy to ease her need before she can finally yield to the one she wants to mate her.”
“It’strue,” anotherElderBitchsighed. “Thefemales of ourPackare difficult to satisfy.Onemale alone has to work himself nearly to death to help a female in herHeat—that’s why it’s better for theAlphasto share the load between them.”
Ithought of how theAlphaguard who had broughtColeand me to thePackGroundshad talked about breeding his half sister over and over again.Wasthat why he had to keep repeating the breeding?Becausehe was oneWolfalone trying to do the job of many?
Isupposed it made sense though at the time,Ihad assumed that he and his sister just wanted an excuse to fuck.