Page 56 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 56 of Forbidden Desire



WhenKurtandIcrept up to where theProvisionalCouncilwas having their little meeting,Isaw thatRickterwas already holding forth.Allof them were still in their human forms, since mostWeresdon’t have my gift of being able to speak while in theirShiftedor partiallyShiftedform.

“Asyou can see, our currentPackmasteris completely unworthy to hold his position,” he was saying, as he passed around his cell phone.

Onits lighted screenIcould see pictures ofDelilahthat made a growl rise in my throat.Shewas naked and vulnerable—covered in my seed.Thebastard had even taken a close up shot of her pussy dripping with my cum!

“SoIthink we can all agree that theCouncilshould vote to eject and exileColeBlackburnasPackmasterand install an older, more experienced male instead,”Ricktersaid as the other members of theCouncilogled the nude pictures ofDelilah. “Ofcourse, all that will have to be done in absentia, since he’s apparently run away and is this moment headed out of the country, from whatIcan tell.”

Icouldn’t stand anymore.Stillin myFurForm,Iburst into the clearing.

“Ithink you’d better talk to thecurrentPackmasterbefore you decide to replace him with a murdering, lying asshole!”Isnarled, wrinkling my muzzle to show my fangs.

Therewere gasps from the other fiveCouncilmembers and one of them exclaimed,

“Rickter—Ithought you said thePackmasterleft the country when you confronted him about breeding his little sister?”

“I…he….he must have tricked me!”Rickterexclaimed. “Lookat him—he’s rabid!He’sa danger to us all!”

Hepulled a small aerosol can from his pocket and sprayed it full in my face.ThistimeIdidn’t try to duck—Iremembered thatKurthad told me he had replaced theWolf’sBanecan with one filled with water.

Sureenough, the cool mist that sprayed from the can didn’t do a thing except get the fur of my face wet.Rickter’seyes went wide with fear when he saw thatIwasn’t going down this time.

“He…he…Ican’t—”Hestuttered, backing away from me.Therest of theCouncilwas looking at me warily as well.Aswell they should—Ifelt like ripping all their throats out for looking at the obscene pictures ofDelilah!

“Ifyou’re done drooling over pictures of my future mate,Ithink you’d better hear whatIhave to say before you pass any judgment!”Isnarled at theCouncilmembers. “Everyone of you stay where you are—includingRickter!”Iadded, glaring around the semi-circle they were gathered in. “You’regoing to hear yourPackmasterspeak orI’llrip out every one of your fucking throats!”

Isaw a lot of anxious glances being exchanged.Ifthey had been in theirFurForms, they would have been showing me their bellies by now in submission.Whichwas good—I’dhad e-fucking-nough of them second guessing my leadership.Theposition ofPackmasterwas mine by birthright andIhad trained all my life to do it—Iwasn’t sharing power anymore with any of them.

“First—Kurt, take that fucking phone and destroy those pictures!”Isnarled at my second in command.

“That’smine!Youcan’t have it!”Ricktertried to keep the phone fromKurt’shands butIleaned forward and growled at him, lifting my upper lip to show my fangs.

“That’smy future mate you’ve been showing naked pictures of!”Isnarled at him. “You’reluckyIdon’t tear your fucking head off right here and now!”

“Howdare you call her your future mate—that’s yourlittle sister!”Rickterexclaimed, reluctantly relinquishing the phone.

Kurtflipped through it, deleted the pictures ofDelilahand then put it on the ground and stomped it with his heel until it cracked and shattered.

“Hey!”Rickterwhined.Heglared at me. “Itdoesn’t matter that you destroyed the pictures—we’ve all seen what you did to your own little sister!”

“Delilah’snot my sister—not by blood,”Isaid steadily.

“Butthe adoption ceremony—” one of theCouncilmembers began.

“Idon’t give a fuck about the adoption ceremony—do you hear me?”Isnarled. “Irefuseto be held captive by an ancient law that shouldn’t apply to a male and female with no blood ties between them.IwantDelilahfor my mate andI’mgoing tohaveher as my mate.”

“Youcan’t justdecidenot to follow the laws!”Rickterexclaimed. “BeingPackmasterdoesn’t make you above the law!”

“No, it doesn’t—theLawsof thePackare there for a reason,”Isaid. “Forinstance, the law against harming or killing thePackmasteror any member of his family—that’s important, don’t you think?”

“Ifyou’re referring to the wayIwas forced to subdue you and your sister—”Rickterbegan.

“No,I’mnot talking about the way you drugged me withWolf’sBanespray and kidnapped me and my future mate,”Isaid glaring at him. “I’mtalking about the way you killed my parents by fucking around with the brakes on their car, causing them to have a fatal accident!”

Rickterwent suddenly pale.

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