Page 59 of Forbidden Desire
Therewere a few boos but many more cheers—people seemed to like seeing us together,Ithought.
“Iwill not be constrained by an ancient law that shouldn’t apply to those without blood connections,”Colewent on. “Iintend to takeDelilahas my mate—I’mgoing to claim her and breed her here and now, in front of all of you.Anyonewho doesn’t like it, can leave thePack.Butif you want to stay—we welcome you.”
Therewas silence for a moment, then most of thePackbegan to cheer.Itseemed like maybe this particular law wasn’t very popular—at least as it applied to adoption.Iknew that many children in thePackgot orphaned due toPackwars and were adopted into other families.MaybeColeandIweren’t the first adopted brother and sister to fall in love and want to be together.
Coleturned to me and bent down to hug me.Istood on my tiptoes and hugged him back, loving the feeling of his hard, muscular chest brushing against my sensitive nipples.
“Ithink they’re with me, baby,” he murmured in my ear. “Nowwe just need to finish this.”
“Areyoufinallygoing to breed me?”Imoaned softly.Mybody was on fire with need—myHeatCyclespinning completely out of control.
“Yes, baby—finally,” he murmured. “Geton your knees and take the breeding position soIcan fuck you deep and get my knot in you.”
Icouldn’t get on my hands and knees fast enough.Iknelt on the cushion and spread my thighs, baring my pussy for my big brother…and my mate.
Imight have felt shy about being bred and knotted in front of so many people, but myHeatwas so intense by that time,Ididn’t care who was watching.Also,Iwas kneeling with my back to them and my face towards the forest at the edge of the clearing.SoIdidn’t have to look anyone in the eyes—Icould concentrate completely onColekneeling behind me, his big, naked body covering my own much smaller one.
“Getready, baby,” he growled softly in my ear. “Gonnafuck you deep tonight and fill your pussy with my knot.Gonnagive you a breeding bump and plant my baby in your belly.”
“Yes,Cole—please!”Imoaned as he thrust home inside me.Despiteall theAlphasthat had been in me that night, none felt so perfectly right as my own big brother.Ispread my thighs wider and nestled my head on my arms asItilted my hips up to give him better access to my pussy.
Icould feel him filling me completely—not holding back this time.Withevery deep thrust, his thick cock got deeper into my pussy.Andthen—finally—Ifelt the head of his cock sliding into the open mouth of my womb as the knot at the base of his shaft found its way all the way inside me.
“OhCole!”Igasped, arching my back and rolling my hips to meet him. “God, yes!Ican feel your knot in me!Ican feel you all the way inside me!”
“Holdstill like a good girl, baby,” he growled andIfelt his hands tighten on my hips. “Holdstill and let me knot you soIcan pump your little womb full of my cum.”
Imoaned and did my best to obey him—to submit to his cock so deep in my pussy and his knot swelling inside me to tie us together.
“God, baby—you’re so tight and hot and wet,”Colegrowled. “Goingto start coming in you soon to give you that breeding bump you want so bad.Doyou think you can come with me to help your pussy milk my cock?”
Ashe spoke, he reached under me and his long fingers unerringly found the tender button of my clit.Ashe began to circle the sensitive little bud,Ifelt my orgasm rushing towards me.
“Cole!”Imoaned. “Ohyes—yes,I…IthinkIcan come for you.”
“Goodgirl,” he growled, still massaging my clit. “GodIlove the feel of you so tight and hot around me.Can’twant to fill your pussy with my cum!”
Justas he finished talking,Ifelt a deep pleasure overtake me and explode outwards.Itfelt like every sexual encounterI’dhad that night was suddenly converging into one intense point and filling my body with light.Mynipples were so tight they almost hurt andIcould feel my inner walls sucking and massagingCole’sthick cock, urging him to come in me—urging him to breed me.
Andwith a low groan, that’s exactly what my big brother did.Ifelt his cock swell even bigger inside me and then something hot and wet was rushing into me andColereleased spurt after spurt of his cum directly into the mouth of my womb, which was sucking the head of his cock eagerly.
“That’sright, baby—take it nice and deep,”IheardColegrowling. “Takeit all in your soft little pussy.Goingto fill you up tonight!”
Idon’t know how long he came in me, butIremember the feeling of being completely stretched out and utterly filled—filled to overflowing.Hiscream was running down my inner thighs and still he kept spurting inside me, claiming me as his mate—marking me as his own.
Andthen, just whenIthought he was finished,Coleleaned over and growled in my ear. “Nowthat you’re full of my cum,Ineed to seal you shut, baby.Butin order to do that,I’llneed toShiftto myFurForm.Ineed myAlphacompounds to seal your pussy mouth and keep my cum inside you.”
Ilooked over my shoulder at him.
“Makeit fast then—Idon’t want to lose any of your cream.Iwantallof it inside me.”
Coledidn’t answer but he didn’t have to.Icould feel the thick cock give several more hard spurts and then—with a move as quick as lightning—he pulled out of me,Shiftedto hisWolf, and turned to lick me closed, almost in the same instant.
IswearIdidn’t lose a drop.OnemomentIwas being filled to the limit with his huge cock and the nextIcould feel his long, hot tongue sliding over the mouth of my pussy and sealing it shut.Itwasn’t painful at all, but it did feel like a firm connection andIknewIwould be sealed for some time as my body absorbed the massive amount of cream he had pumped into me.
“Youokay, baby?”Colenudged me carefully with his longWolfnose and then shimmered andShiftedback to his human form. “Wasit too much for you,Lilah?” he asked me anxiously.
“N-no.”Ishook my head and reached for him. “Itwas a lot…but it wasn’t too much.Here—help me up.”