Page 6 of Forbidden Desire

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Page 6 of Forbidden Desire

Well, what couldIdo?Itook her home with me, of course.

Andthat very first night, it started getting weird.

Itbegan with a gentle tap at my door around midnight.I’dbeen almost asleep—worn out by all the drama and the heavy load of new responsibilities my father’s death had laid on my shoulders.Butwhen the door opened andDelilahput her head in my door,Ifound myself a little more awake.

Shewas wearing an oversized t-shirt to sleep in.Itfell to her mid thighs and the thin cotton molded to her curves—whichItried not to notice.

“Yeah, baby?Whatis it?”Imurmured sleepily.

“Cole,” she whispered. “Ikeep havingawfuldreams andI’mafraid to go back to sleep.Please—canIstay with you tonight?”

Believeit or not, this wasn’t the first time my little sister had slept in my bed.Notthatway—there was never anything inappropriate between us.Itwas back when she was little and scared and still grieving the death of her blood parents.

Sheused to creep into my bed on nights when there were thunderstorms—which is a pretty common occurrence inFlorida—and snuggle up against me.I’dwake the next morning to find her curled against my side, her head pillowed on my chest and her wild hair spread all over like curly silk.

SoIdidn’t think anything of it at first when she asked to sleep with me again.

“Sure,Lilah.”Iheld open the covers for her and beckoned her to join me. “Comeon—slide in.”

“Thankyou, big brother.”Sheslid under the covers with me and snuggled up against my side with her head on my chest, just like she used to when she was little.

Onlyshe wasn’t so little anymore.

Iwas only wearing a pair of pajama bottoms andIcouldn’t help feeling how soft her full breasts were, pressed against my bare side.Andwhen she threw a leg over mine,IsworeIcould feel the heat of her pussy pressed against my hip.

Thesewere definitelynotthingsIshould be noticing about my own little sister andIknew it.Especiallywhen she’d come to me so innocently, just looking for comfort.Iresolutely put them out of my mind and, after a long time,Iwas finally able to sleep.

Iwoke up withDelilahcurled against me, just like she used to when she was a scrawny little girl.Seeingher long, curly hair spread over my bare chest reminded me of the old times andIcouldn’t help smiling.

Ialsocouldn’t help noticing that my morning wood was really straining against my pajama bottoms.Itried to slip away butDelilahmoaned in her sleep and pressed closer to me.

Lookingdown,Isaw that the oversized t-shirt she was wearing had rucked up somehow in the night.Itwas up to her chest which put the smooth, curving bottoms of her full breasts on display.Notonly that,Icould see the lacy white panties she was wearing under it.Theywere little more than a thong and clearly showed her ripe, round ass.Fuckingbeautiful.

Suddenlymy morning wood was a whole fucking lot harder than it had been just a moment ago.Itore my eyes away, trying not to look—trying not to see how sexy my little sister had become.

Igot out of the bed in a hurry—this timeIdidn’t let her little moans stop me—and locked myself in the bathroom.ThereIdid my best to jerk-off whilenotthinking of my little sister.Butit was impossible to get the bottoms of her big breasts and the curve of her juicy ass out of my mind.

Itried so hard to think of the last girlI’ddated, of my favorite porn, ofanythingelse…but it wasDelilahIsaw in my mind’s eye whenIfinally shot my load—my own little sister was whoIwas picturing asIcame.

Afterthat, things only got stranger.

Atfirst,Itried to shrug it off.Itwas a one-time thing—Iwas under a lot of stress—it was never going to happen again…you name the excuse andItried to use it on myself.Andhonestly, things might have been okay…if onlyDelilahhadn’t insisted on coming to sleep with me again.Andagain…andagain.

Forthe entire first month,Istood it.Sheneeded comfort,Itold myself.Itwas innocent on her part—she would doubtless be horrified to knowIwas noticing her in a way no big brother ought to notice his little sister.AndItriednot to notice—honestly,Idid!Butevery morningIfound myself slipping off to the bathroom and jerking off while trying—unsuccessfully—not to think of her.

Ifyou’re thinking what a pervertIam, jerking off to my own little sister when she just wanted comfort, well believe me,Ithought the same thing about myself.Ishould have just forbidden her to sleep with me, butIdidn’t feel likeIcould say no to her.Shewas grieving—webothwere—and it wasn’t like being with her every single minute was a temptation.

Welay together in my bed for hours at a time, just talking every night.Iwould tell her stories she didn’t know about my parents—little things that happened before she got adopted into our family.Andshe would fill me in on little details that had happened afterImoved out of the house.Werelived the years we’d spent under the same roof and it was comforting…healing.Ididn’t want to give it up—even thoughIwas having a harder and harder time ignoring my own depraved desires.

Duringthis time,Delilahbecame extremely domestic.Mymom had been teaching her to cook, apparently, and she had dinner waiting for me on the table every night whenIcame in.PleaseunderstandI’mnot saying women are good for nothing but domestic duties, butIhad been a bachelor a long time.Havingsomeone cooking a hot meal for me every night was nice.

Delilahwould listen to me bitch about theProvisionalCouncilthat had been set up to help “guide” me as an inexperiencedPackmaster.MostAlphasdon’t eventhinkof trying for such a high position until they’re well into their thirties, so the elders of ourPackhad decidedIneeded guidance, sinceIwas only twenty-eight.ThismeantIhad to deal with all thePackbusiness while trying to keep a bunch of older males—all of whom probably thought they could do a better job leading thePack—happy.Itwas fucking emotionally exhausting, butDelilahlistened to me bitch and moan and gave me sympathy.

“Theyneed to leave you alone and let you run thePackyourway,” she’d tell me, while massaging my shoulders which were all knotted up from the tension of the day. “Dadknew what he was doing when he made you his heir—heraisedyou to be thePackmaster.Youknow what you’re doing,Cole.”

Itfelt good to hear those words from my little sister—validating.Iwon’t lie,Ikind of loved the little domestic situation that had grown between us ever sinceI’dbrought her to live with me.

Butevery night, she tapped on my door and asked to sleep with me.Andevery night,Icouldn’t bring myself to say “no.”

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