Page 34 of Dae'mons and Doms
Addison felt a little shiver of excitement go through her as the deep, familiar voice called her name. Taking a deep breath, she straightened her dress—a short, deep green one that showed off her generous curves and accentuated her eyes—and fluffed out her long, silky red hair. Then she stepped into her boss’s office.
“Yes, Commander Courick?” she asked, raising her eyebrows and trying to look concerned and professional. “What can I do for you?”
“What you can do is yourjob.”Her boss’s voice was a deep, irritated growl and his golden eyes flashed annoyance. Commander Courick was the head of the Human Kindred Relations building here in Tampa, Florida and he famously didn’t take crap off of anyone.
“My job?” Addison opened her eyes wide, giving him a look of pure innocence. “I’m sorry, Commander—I thought Iwasdoing my job. Is there a problem?”
“Yes, there’s a problem!” He held out a paper to her, his long arm stiff with tension. “Look at this letter you typed for me! What do you see?”
Addison came forward and plucked the paper from his big hand. She was only around five foot three and her Kindred boss was almost seven feet tall. Even wearing heels, as she was now, she had to look up to catch his eyes. But for now, she confined herself to scanning the letter.
It was a formal communication, which was one reason it was an actual physical letter rather than just an email, and several words had been circled in red ink.
“Do you see the problem now?” Commander Courick demanded. “You’ve typed ‘there’ instead of ‘their’ and ‘two’ instead of ‘too.’”
“Oh, dear!” Addison knit her eyebrows, trying to look very concerned. “I’m so sorry—the spelling program must have missed those when I was typing up the letter.”
The big Kindred glowered at her.
“Ms. Davis, English isn’t my first language—it isn’t even my second or third—but evenIknow to check for homophones the spelling program on the computer might have missed. Your language is full of them!”
Addison bit her lip contritely.
“I’m so sorry, Commander Courick,” she said sweetly.
Though to tell the truth, she wasn’t abitsorry—she had made the mistakes on purpose, just to get her boss to scold her.
She loved it when the big Kindred got mad at her and his golden eyes flashed. He was a Beast Kindred, as those eyes as well as his thick black hair proved, and he got soprimalwhen he was angry! The neatly trimmed black mustache and beard he wore only made him look more foreboding. He was always grouchy and growly but his voice got so deep and stern when he was correcting her and he flexed his powerful hands and long fingers like he was justitchingto spank her.
In fact, Commander Courick would have made anexcellentDom—not that he knew what that was, or would have any interest even if hedidknow, Addison thought regretfully. Still, it was fun to rile him up, even if nothing ever came of it.
This wasn’t the first time she’d teased her boss—nor the second or third—though she didn’t always try to get him to correct her. Sometimes she just liked to make him notice her and give her his undivided attention.
The other day, she’d spilled a whole box of paper clips right on his office floor, to one side of his desk—which of course meant she had to get on her hands and knees to pick them all up and put them back in the box.
She’d been wearing an extremely short skirt while she did this and she made sure that it was riding up to show her thick thighs and generous behind.
Addison was a curvy girl and she happened to know that most Kindred warriors preferred her body type to the stick-thin Instagram influencers which were the Earth ideal. In fact, the Kindred even had a special name for curvy girls—they called them “Elites”—and believed they were blessed by the Kindred Goddess with their extra curves.
Once Addison had found that out, there was no stopping her. She’d had a crush on her tall, dark and grouchy Kindred boss right from the start but it wasn’t until she found out the Kindred liked curvy girls that shereallystarted flirting with him.
Only she couldn’t flirt in the regular way—she couldn’t laugh at Commander Courick’s jokes, because he never made any. He was always in a bad mood—like a dark cloud was hanging over his head. And she couldn’t make lingering eye contact because his gaze was constantly glued to his work. So all the usual gestures went unnoticed.
So Addison had decided to start teasing him instead. Which was why she’d dropped the large box of paper clips and then knelt down beside his desk to pick them up.
“Honestly, Addison, what have you donethistime?” He’d growled, looking down at her.
Addison had tilted her head up, making sure to frame her generous cleavage with her arms—her blouse was low cut—and had given him her most innocent look.
“I’m so sorry, Commander Courick,” she’d said sweetly. “You know how clumsy I am—I spilled this whole box of paper clips! But I promise I’ll get them all cleaned up. Just give me a minute.”
Then she’d taken her time, putting each paper clip neatly back in the box while keeping her eyes on the ground.
Her boss hadn’t said anything else, but she’d felt his eyes on her as she crawled around, showcasing her curvy body from her big butt to her large, ripe breasts.
It made her feel naughty and submissive to crawl around at his feet like that. She could feel her pussy getting hot and wet as she felt the big Kindred looking at her body. And sheknewhe was looking because she’d risked a few side-long glances through the long curtain of her sleek auburn-red hair and had seen him watching her.
It made her wonder if his big cock was getting hard in those tight black uniform trousers of his—she certainlyhopedso. Though goodness knew that if they everdidget together, she didn’t know how she’d handle what he had to offer—Commander Courick was hung like a horse!