Page 37 of Dae'mons and Doms
“Oh—of course!” Addison nodded. “I’ll just take this back to my desk.” She started to take the letter with its many typos out of his office but Commander Courick stopped her and took the letter back.
“No. I want you to type ithere, so I can correct you if I see any more mistakes.”
“What?Here?In…in your office?” Addison squeaked.
“Righthere.”He stabbed one long finger at his desk. “Go on—I have the program pulled up for you. I’ll stand right over your shoulder and watch you type.”
At any other time, Addison would havelovedthis kind of intense attention from her boss. But today wasextremelybad timing. Her ass was still stinging and bruised from the clueless Dom the night before and sitting in Commander Courick’s office chair—which had hardly any padding—was going tohurt.
“Please, Sir—I promise I can do it with no mistakes at my own desk,” she pleaded.
Commander Courick’s dark eyebrows pulled low and his voice dropped to a growl.
“What did I say, Addison? I want you behind my desknow.You’re going to type out the letter and then we’re going to go over a list of commonly misused homophones so we don’t have this problem again.”
Addison wanted to bristle. He must think she was stupid! The fact was, she had a degree in English—she’d been planning to teach but then the job at the HKR building had opened up and the pay was so much better, she’d decided to switch careers midstream. The Kindred really took care of their people—there were even benefits, including dental.
She opened her mouth to protest that she knew what homophones were and how to use them correctly…and then closed it again. If she told on herself, her boss would demand to know why she’d made deliberate mistakes on the letter he’d asked her to type andthenwhat would she say?
No, it was best to let him think she was ditzy enough to confuse “their and there” and “two and too” and whatever else he came up with, she decided reluctantly. Though sitting on his chair while she typed was going to hurt like hell, she really had no choice in the matter.
“Fine,” she said shortly. Snatching the paper from Commander Courick’s hand, she marched around behind his desk and sat herself down in his chair…
Only to hop up again with a gasp as the rough surface hurt her tender ass.
Her boss gave her a confused look.
“What’s wrong? Did you sit on something sharp?”
He came around behind the desk himself and bent down to look at the seat of his tall office chair.
“No, it’s fine! I’m fine!” Addison assured him, trying hastily to pull down her dress, which had ridden up considerably.
But she wasn’t fast enough. Courick’s sharp gaze caught sight of the marks on the back of her thighs. Addison saw his golden eyes widen and then he looked up at her, his scowl turning into something fierce and frightening.
“Addison,” he said in a low voice that was nearly a growl. “What is this? Who marked you like this?”
“Marked me? I…I don’t know what you mean.” Nervously, she tugged at her dress, covering the marks. But to her surprise, her boss grabbed the dark green fabric and pulled it back up, baring her ass.
“Oh yes you do,” he growled. “Justlookat you!”
“Hey!” Addison grabbed at her dress, trying to pull it out of the big Kindred’s hands, but it was no use—Courick wasn’t letting go. The white silk panties she was wearing were practically see-through and the marks the cane had left on her the night before were clearly visible. He was staring at them with murder in his golden eyes.
“Addison, I’m only going to ask you one more time…” His voice was a low, menacing growl. “Who did this to you?And where can I find him?”
“What? No!” She exclaimed. “No, you…you have the wrong idea, Commander!”
“These are marks of torture—of a severe and brutal beating,” he growled, glaring at her. “What other idea can I have? I know you have no male in your life to protect and avenge you, Addison—I’ll seek out the one who hurt you and make him pay. Just give me his name.”
“His name is nothing—I mean, I didn’t really get it,” Addison said quickly. “He was just some guy I met in a club. I don’t know who he is or where he lives and I got away from him as soon as I could. Now will youpleaselet me pull down my dress?”
Courick released her dress at last, but he remained looming over her, glaring.
“What else did he do to you? Did heforceyou?” He demanded. “I know human males have no honor. Did he take what you weren’t willing to give?”
Addison bit her lip—she didn’t want him to think she’d been raped, which she hadn’t—but she also didn’t want him to think she slept around with any old rando she happened to meet at the club. In fact, hardly any of her encounters ended in sex. She didn’t feel safe enough to leave the club with anyone and besides, what she needed, even more than sex, was just tosubmit. Commander Courick was so naturally dominant he probably didn’t have a submissive bone in his body. He wouldn’t understand her need at all—she wassurehe wouldn’t.
“Look, it started out consensual and then things got…kind of out of hand,” she admitted. “But he didn’t, uh, force me. He just…he just whipped me too hard. That’s all.”