Page 39 of Dae'mons and Doms
He tried to bring his mind back to the subject at hand—finding out who had hurt his assistant and making sure it never happened again. It would take a little finesse, but luckily his Kindred shuttle which transformed to look like an Earth car, had stealth tech, so he should be able to follow her undetected.
I’ll make him pay!Courick swore to himself.Whoever it is that did this to her, I’ll fucking make him pay!
Addison sighed as she stepped out of her car with her garment bag and headed across the street to The Torture Palace. She’d given herself a week to heal up and though her ass was still sore, it was no longer quite as tender as it had been. Still, maybe she would just watch tonight, she told herself. After her last experience, she was shy of letting anyone tie her up and whip her again.
I’ll only submit if I find a gentle Dom who agrees to nothing more than light hand-spanking,she decided.No hairbrushes or paddles—anddefinitelyno caning!
She knew lots of subs who loved the pain of being beaten—it gave them an endorphin rush like no other, they claimed. But Addison wasn’t a pain slut. For her, it was the act of submission that got her motor running—giving her body to a man she knew she could trust and letting him punish or please her as he wanted.
Too bad it’s so hard to find anyone I can trust,she thought ruefully as she stepped into the club.Or anyone who wants to hang around for aftercare once the scene is finished.
And it wasreallytoo bad she couldn’t find someone who wanted to hang around even longer—someone who wanted to take care of her and protect her and make her thelittleto his Big—the baby girl to his Daddy.
But it seemed she was never going to find that. After all, it was hard enough to find a man who wanted to make a regular, vanilla commitment—let alone one who was willing to let her pretend to be younger than she was and call him “Daddy.” She sighed with longing at the thought.
The Torture Palace had a small lobby with a changing area at the front, for which Addison was grateful. She couldn’t exactly wear herlittleclothes to work—that would have caused all kinds of questions. She took her garment bag into one of the changing rooms and locked the door behind her.
Unzipping her bag, she considered her choices. Lots oflittlesplayed more than one age and Addison had two favorites that she dressed for regularly.
She had one outfit that looked like a little girl’s party dress—something she might have worn when she was nine or ten. It was pale green with lace around the short sleeves and a demurely cut, rounded neckline that didn’t show even a hint of cleavage. The hem came down to her knees and it had lacy white ankle socks and black Mary Jane shoes to go with it. When Addison played this age, she mostly wanted a sweet, kind Daddy to hold her and cuddle her and praise her for being a “good girl.”
The shoes and socks also worked for her other Age Play outfit—the bratty, defiant teenager. It was a slutty schoolgirl uniform with a short, pleated plaid skirt and a see-through white blouse that showed her nipples clearly. When Addison playedthisage, she was looking for a stern Daddy Dom who would discipline her. It was this outfit she’d been wearing when the CHUDWA Dom had tied her up and caned her so hard.
Addison shivered and chose the pale green party dress. She wasn’t ready for more discipline tonight. She wished she could find a Dom who would want to hold her and cuddle her, but she knew that wasn’t likely. Most people who came to The Torture Palace wanted to play—not snuggle. So she would probably just watch a few scenes and then go home to masturbate. Watching the submission of others wasn’t as satisfying as submitting herself, but it was all she was up for right now.
The dress fit her perfectly and Addison decided to wear it without a bra. She had big breasts and prominent nipples—they stood out under the pale green fabric and made her feel sexy. She liked feeling that way, even though she was dressed as a youngerlittletonight.
She was usually more up for rough punishment sex when she was being a bratty teen and gentle, tender sex when she played younger. Of course—and this was the point that was so hard to explain to people who weren’t into Age Play or Daddy Play—what she was doing had nothing to do with any kind of pedophilia. It was about Dominance and Submission—about letting herself regress to a time when she’d felt safe and loved and cared for. That feeling of being loved and protected and dominated was what allowed her to open herself sexually.
Not that she’d ever reallyhada time when she felt all those things, Addison thought ruefully. She’d been raised by a single mother for most of her life with no father in the picture at all. But she couldpretendshe’d had that time—could let her inner child out to play and try to find what she’d been missing for so many years…if only she could find the right man who would play along with her.
Of course it felt like a total stereotype—a girl with no father in her life has Daddy issues. But it was the truth for Addison. She hadn’t gotten what she needed growing up and so she was looking for it now. That certainly wasn’t the case for alllittles,but it was the case for her.
She hung her work clothes in the garment bag and then locked it in a locker and slipped the key into the small pocket at the side of her dress. Now she was ready to play—or at least to watch others play. And who knew, she might get lucky. Tonight might be the night she met the Daddy Dom of her dreams. A girl could hope, after all.
Addison walked into the main part of the club, with no idea that she was being watched and followed.
The Torture Palace was basically a huge sex dungeon divided into different rooms. The main area was two stories high and built like a dance club. There was a long, sleek, brushed steel bar at one end, and an open area for dancing and mingling in the middle. Neon lights provided most of the illumination, making the club a dark cave lit with flashes of blue and pink, purple and green.
Around the main area were the separate rooms for different kinks. Addison normally headed right for the spanking room, but tonight she decided to get a drink at the bar first.
“Shirley Temple, extra maraschino cherries,” she told the bartender, when he raised his pierced eyebrows at her. It was her usual drink when she was playing this age—a sweet, non-alcoholic drink that a little girl would order when she was pretending to be grown up. It got her in the mood to be herlittleself and gave her time to observe the room and see if there was anyone she might want to play with.
Down at the end of the bar, she saw a Dom she knew dressed in a black leather vest. He was nice enough, but he already had two female subs hanging off his arms. Both of them were so skinny she could see their hipbones poking out of the torn lace body stockings they wore.
Addison sighed. That was another one of her problems—a lot of people seemed to think that alittleought to be, well, little.And though Addison was petite, she was also extra curvy. Some Daddy Doms didn’t like that—they wanted a pocket princess they could lift easily and carry around. Addison didn’t really fall into that category.
Commander Courick didn’t have any problem lifting you and holding you—remember how he caught you when you fell?whispered a little voice in her head.He’s so strong he could probably hold you all day.
Addison pushed the thought away and sipped her bright pink drink. The bartender had added extra cherries, just as she requested, and she took her time biting them off their long stems and letting their sugary syrup run down her throat. It didn’t matter how much she wanted her big Kindred boss to be her Daddy Dom—it was never going to happen, she reminded herself. So it was probably best to stop fantasizing about it.