Page 55 of Dae'mons and Doms
“Ow, that hurts! Please, Daddy—please! I’m sorry! I’ll be a good girl from now on!”
“It’s too late for that!” The male holding her growled. “In fact, spread your legs for Daddy—I need to spank your pussy too.”
“Oh, butDaddy!”The woman wailed. But when he reached down between her thighs, she spread her legs for him as he had commanded. This showed her puffy pink cunt lips which were wet with her juices.
Just like Addison got so wet tonight,Courick couldn’t help thinking. Gods, her pussy honey had been coating her inner thighs and her hot little pussy had been all swollen and needy…
Stop thinking about it,he ordered himself and went back to watching the video. The human male was now spanking his female’s pussy—though Courick noted that he was using light, quick slaps rather than the harsher blows he’d used on her ass. Clearly he knew this was a sensitive area that couldn’t take as much abuse as her rounded bottom.
But it seemed to Courick that rather than causing pain, this spanking was causing pleasure—at least if the female sub’s reaction was any indication.
“Oh! Oh,Daddy!”she moaned, her hips twitching as she writhed across his knee. “You’re making my little pussy so hot and wet!”
“Coming for you—coming on your fingers while you rub my little pussy!”moaned Addison’s voice in his head.
Courick tried to push the memory away—but he couldn’t help remembering how Addison had bucked her hips and begged him to make her come…how she had writhed against his fingers as he stroked her hot little cunt and then fucked deeply into her wet depths…
No, stop it—I have to stop this!
Courick slapped his laptop closed and clenched his hands into fists. He mustn’t let his mind go in that direction with Addison—he’d already done more than he should with her tonight. He couldn’t go down that road with her…and yet, hewantedto meet her needs so she never had to go back to that dangerous club again!
Of course, he couldn’t meet hersexualneeds—he’d nearly broken his vow already and he didn’t intend to go any further in that direction, he told himself sternly. But maybe he could meet heremotionalneeds—at least for a while—until she could find a human male who was right for her.
He tried not to picture her with another male though—the thought was upsetting. It made him feel angry and possessive to even consider it. So instead he concentrated on the present—on the here and now. What could he do to help her—to keep her safe and meet her needs?
He considered the problem and all the things he’d learned and as he did, an idea began to form in his mind…
Addison didn’t know what to expect on Monday morning. She’d been hoping to see Courick again sometime during the weekend, but there had been no evidence of her stern and growly boss other than the note he’d left in her car, which had mysteriously appeared in her regular parking spot the morning after their encounter. It had simply read,
“Stay away from the club. I’ll see you Monday.”
It hadn’t been signed but she would have known Courick’s meticulously neat printing anywhere. Other than that, the weekend had been disappointingly quiet and now, as she walked into the office at the back of the Tampa HKR building, she wasn’t sure what she’d find. She’d taken extra care with her hair and makeup and she was wearing a dress that hugged her curves, but would her boss even notice? Or would it be business as usual?
“Addison?” His deep voice made her jump. Putting a hand to her heart, she turned to see Courick looming over her. To be fair, he really couldn’t help it, since he was so tall. Looking up at him, she tried to read his expression but it was impossible.
“Er, yes, Sir?” she asked, wondering what he would say next.
“Come into my office. I need to talk to you.”
The stern words made her heart sink. She was sure Courick was going to tell her that they had to forget anything had ever happened between them. He might even reassign her to some other place—or maybe even fire her!
But he was so sweet to me! He tucked me in and kissed my forehead—he even checked under the bed for monsters. Surely he wouldn’t do that…would he?
Addison just didn’t know. Slowly, she followed her boss into his office and shut the door behind her. Courick was already seated behind his desk so she came to stand across from him with her hand clasped in front of her.
“Yes, Sir?” she said meekly. “What did you want to talk about?”
Courick gave her a stern look.
“You know what I want to talk about. Come here—come around the desk.”
Addison obeyed and came around behind the desk to get closer to the big Kindred. Courick turned his chair to face her and though he was sitting and she was standing, they were still nearly eye-to-eye.
“Yes, Sir?” she asked again. “Did…did you want to talk about what happened at the club the other night? Or…or what happened afterwards?”