Page 60 of Dae'mons and Doms
Addison bit her lip—she didn’t want the paper to get crumpled under her boss’s big boots. It was an official document that would be difficult to replace. Without thinking, she ducked her head and scurried under the desk, making sure she was out of the line of sight of Commander Sylvan on the viewscreen.
“…so the Veritans are a possibly ally and trading partners, but we have to be sure they’re a good fit for an alliance,” she could hear the Kindred Leader saying.
“I see. Yes, that makes sense,” Courick answered, shifting in his seat. This put his big boots dangerously close to the official document, which Addison snatched up quickly and put it back into its folder.
She was about to crawl back out from under the desk and get away as quickly and quietly as possible…but then she saw that Courick was hard. Even in the dim, confined space under the desk, the lump in his tight black trousers was evident.
Suddenly, Addison’s naughty side—the bratty teenager that was the other half of herlittlepersona—came out full force. She’d been trying so hard to get Courick to acknowledge the attraction and desire between them and he’d been ignoring her! Well, she wasn’t going to let him ignore her anymore…
Putting the folder of papers to one side, she crawled between his spread thighs. Leaning forward, she opened her mouth and breathed a long, hot breath against the ridge of his cock.
The effect on Courick was immediate. He shifted in his chair but Addison noticed hedidn’ttry to close his legs. In fact, if anything he spread them a little wider.
It was all the invitation she needed. Reaching up, she found the magno tabs that held his trousers together and unfastened them. Again, Courick didn’t try to stop her, though he shifted in his seat once more.
Encouraged by her stern boss’s inaction, Addison reached into his trousers and pulled out his semi-hard cock…which instantly came to full mast in her hands as she stroked him.
God, he was sobig!She marveled at his size—he was so long and thick! She tried to fit her fingers all the way around him and found she couldn’t do it. His skin was hot and his cock was achingly hard, but the skin was soft.
Experimentally, she rubbed her cheek against it, noting that his dark, intoxicating male musk was stronger here. His hot, spicy scent was irresistible and she couldn’t help putting out her tongue to lap at the broad, flaring crown and taste the small bead of precum that had appeared at the tip.
Mmm—tastes like salted caramel!Addison licked her lips in delight and rubbed her cheek against the shaft again. Shelovedhow hot and hard he was.
Courick shifted in his seat again but again, made no move to stop her. He was still carrying on a conversation with Commander Sylvan about some aliens in a distant galaxy that the Kindred wanted as allies, but Addison barely heard what they were saying. She was much too interested in seeing how much of the big Kindred’s massive cock she could get into her mouth at once.
It wasn’t very much—he was simply too thick. But she managed to at least get the head in her mouth so she could swirl her tongue around and around it, collecting more of his delicious salty-sweet precum.
She’d heard some of the other girls in the office giggling and talking about how Kindred cum was actually tasty—unlike the human variety. But she’d never expected to find it out for herself. She wondered if she could make Courick come so that she could find out for herself if his cum was as tasty as his precum.
Sucking his head even deeper into her mouth, she began to pump the thick shaft, stroking it up and down and even reaching lower to cup the heavy balls that hung below it.Mmm—this was what she’d been wanting to do almost from the moment Courick had hired her! She loved sucking him under his desk—feeling so naughty as she gave him hidden pleasure while he was on an important phone call.
“I’m sorry, Commander Sylvan—could you repeat that? I…I didn’t quite catch it.” Courick’s voice was hoarse as he continued the meeting.
“Is there a problem with our connection?” Sylvan sounded like he was frowning, though Addison couldn’t see the viewscreen so she couldn’t tell for sure. “Are you not hearing me? That’s the third time you’ve asked me to repeat myself.”
“Yes, er…the connection. It…it seems to be…to be bad on this end,” Courick said as Addison continued to suck him.
She was sure he was going to come soon—his precum was flowing freely and she was sucking it eagerly. It really was delicious and she wanted more. Also, she could feel the thick shaft in her hands getting even thicker as she stroked him. She couldn’t wait to feel the salty spurts at the back of her throat when he finally let go…
“Maybe we’d better continue this meeting at another time,” she heard Commander Sylvan say. “We might get a better connection later.”
“Yes, I…I think that would be wise.” Courick was nearly panting now. “Goodbye, Commander Sylvan. I’ll speak to you later.”
He hit the switch on his desk and the viewscreen went dark abruptly. Then he glared under the desk, looking down between his legs to where Addison was still sucking him.
“What in the Seven Hells do you think you’re doing?” His voice was a low, frustrated growl.
Addison stopped only for a moment.
“Sucking you, Sir,” she said innocently.
“Yes, I can see that!” Courick exclaimed. “Butwhyare you sucking me? You know you’re not supposed to be doing this!”
Addison made her eyes wide as she looked up at him.
“You told me I could have a snack whenever I wanted it and it just so happens that I was thirsty for your cream, Sir,” she said, still stroking him. “Please, won’t you give me some?”
“Addison, you know we can’t—” he began but she had already gone back to licking him. Holding his gaze with her own, she ran her little pink tongue around and around the broad crown of his cock before taking it deep in her mouth again and sucking as she stroked him up and down.