Page 71 of Dae'mons and Doms
Addison hung back.
“I know I need to but…it’shard.”
“I know it is.” Courick held out a hand. “But I promise to be by your side for every minute of it. I’ll help you bear the pain, little one. Come on.”
For a moment he wasn’t sure if she would take his hand. But then, biting her lip, she slipped her small, cool fingers into his. Courick’s heart thumped almost painfully as he entwined their fingers and smiled down at her. Every little bit brought her a little closer to coming back to him…at least he hoped.
Together, they walked back into the reception.
Thankfully the father-daughter dance was over by the time they got back inside the reception hall and everyone else was on the dance floor. Having a good cry had helped Addison get over some of the turmoil inside her and she found she was able to go out and dance with Courick.
The big Kindred had never been to a human wedding before, so he didn’t know any of the moves. Addison taught him the electric slide and the funky chicken among other classics that the DJ called out. He was surprisingly graceful, for such a big guy and Addison found herself laughing as she showed him the motions for some of the sillier dances. To her surprise, she found she was able to relax and even have fun, though she never would have believed it would be possible earlier when she’d been crying her heart out in Courick’s lap.
She couldn’t help feeling closer to the big Kindred. He had opened up to her about the pain in his past—it couldn’t have been easy for him. And though she told herself firmly she wasnotgetting back together with him, she couldn’t deny the comfort he’d given her when he held her as she cried.
Being so close to him and breathing in his warm, spicy, masculine scent seemed to do things to her. Was it crazy that she was actually kind of turned on and wanting him, despite all the emotional turmoil she’d been going through?
Addison told herself itwascrazy and that she ought to ignore it. After the wedding was over, she was going to go back to his place and pack up her things and move out. She needed to put some space between them and consider if she could trust him again before jumping right back into the relationship.
But in the meantime, it was kind of fun teaching him to dance. And then the DJ started playing a slow, romantic song. Courick took her in his arms and pulled her close. Despite her high heels, the top of Addison’s head still didn’t reach his shoulder, so her face was pressed against his broad chest. It still felt nice, though and he smelled so good she just wanted to breathe him in forever.
It wasn’t until she realized that her nipples were getting hard and her pussy was getting wet that she pulled away. She couldn’t let herself get horny—it would definitely cloud her judgment!
“Addison? Are you all right?” Courick looked down at her uncertainly.
“I…I’m fine. Just a little overheated.” She fanned herself with one hand. “I think I need a drink of water.”
She hurried back to her table and Courick went with her, turning down one of Lacy’s very pretty bridesmaids who asked him to dance. It was clear all his attention was on Addison, which was flattering, if also somewhat disconcerting.
After sipping some ice water, Addison felt more in control of herself. She was glad when the dancing finally ended and the throwing of the bouquet was announced.
“All you unmarried ladies get up here!” the DJ bellowed. “I want to see you all fighting over that bouquet!”
Addison didn’t really want to catch the bouquet, but she left the table and went to the dance floor anyway…only to realize that Courick was again, right behind her.
“Hey, you can’t come up here!” she hissed at him. “This is a girlsonlyevent!”
But the big Kindred wouldn’t go back to the table.
“I’ll stand away from you,” he promised. “But I want to witness this custom—it’s fascinating.”
Addison sighed and gave up.
“All right, whatever,” she muttered and hurried to find her place in the pack of bridesmaids and other unmarried women. Lacy either had a lot of friends or a lot of cousins, because there were at least twenty of them, all eager to catch the bride’s bouquet. Addison made sure to stand at the edge of the crowd—she had no wish to be crushed.
“Are you girls ready?” Lacy looked over her shoulder. Her bouquet was made up of white roses and yellow daisies and she looked excited to throw it.
A cheer went up from the group of women. Lacy’s eyes caught Addison’s and she gave her a wink. Then she turned and tossed the yellow and white bouquet over her shoulder.
The flowery missile flew end over end in a high arc. Addison saw at once that it was going to go over everyone’s heads and probably land somewhere in the crowd of tables—Lacy had gotten a little too enthusiastic with her throw.
But suddenly, a long arm shot up and caught the bouquet. There was a gasp from the audience as Courick came forward, holding it out.
“Forgive me,” he rumbled. “But the toss was too high for any of the females to reach.”