Page 21 of The White Witch
“What is wrong?” he asked as he approached. “Are you ill again?”
Stephanie wriggled as he tried to peer at her back and check her wounds.
“I know where your siblings are!” she blurted.
Kit stilled. His hand rested on her shoulder where he’d been trying to turn her around, and his eyes bored into hers. “I beg your pardon?” he inquired quietly.
“That day when I met my friends and returned late, the night of the attack,” Stephanie began, and Kit nodded.
“That is hardly a forgettable evening, Stephanie,” Kit chided. He released her shoulder and sat down in the chair opposite her.
Stephanie looked at him and winced. He was casual again today, dark breeches tucked into his riding boots. A cream-coloured shirt hung open at the front with a tantalising touch of chest on display, and his hair was messy.
“Yes, well. I’d met the other five at a hotel, and Maggie confronted us all about our inns being haunted. Cole has The Green Man and Cecilia, Maggie has Jekyll and Hyde and Lucian,Mariah owns The Black Cat and has Benedict.” Stephanie paused as she frowned, trying to remember the others.
“Someone has The Rose and my brother Issac, and one has The Crown and Elias,” Kit said, looking stunned.
“Callie has The Crown, and Tilly, The Rose. We all swore a blood oath not to tell you because we thought it would distract all of you from your tasks. But I can’t keep a secret, not after how you’ve cared for me. It would be wrong when I could alleviate your worry,” Stephanie almost begged.
“You’ve been battling this since you woke?” Kit inquired.
Stephanie nodded miserably and waited for him to shout at her.
“A blood oath? Who in your circle is magical?” Kit asked.
Stephanie looked up, surprised.
“None of us.”
“Someone is for a blood oath to hold true,” Kit pushed.
“It was something we started as children. I can’t remember who began it,” Stephanie replied as she drew on her memories.
“What were the consequences of breaking the oath?” Kit demanded, looking worried.
“Oh, we never included one. Just swore we wouldn’t tell you,” Stephanie blurted.
“Without a spoken consequence, a blood oath won’t hurt anyone when broken,” Kit explained with relief.
“I didn’t know there would be harm attached to breaking one,” Stephanie whispered, paling.
“Oh yes, often severe and nasty repercussions, which means I thank you from the depth of my soul for disclosing this. Even if you were ignorant of the potential punishments,” Kit soothed.
“Do you forgive me for hiding a secret like this?” Stephanie asked. She desperately needed to hear Kit say yes. Because she had turned against her friends to tell him his siblings were safe.
“Of course. One can understand how an oath to family comes before telling a stranger,” Kit said.
Stephanie winced at his words.
“But you’re not. You’re the guy who saved my life and, even more, protected me despite the danger to your duty. That means the world to me. Kit, you actually put me before everything else. I don’t think any man has done that before,” Stephanie whispered.
She sensed Kit flinch inwardly at her words and knew she’d struck deep, so hurried to soothe whatever hurt she had caused.
“You’re my hero. Brave and strong and so dedicated. I meant nothing derogatory. Honestly, Kit, I was praising you!” Stephanie blurted.
Kit snorted in amusement. “Stephanie, I understood you perfectly. I winced at how you were treated. No woman… should endure such treatment. Ever. I hate the fact that this happened to you. It tears me apart inside,” he replied honestly.
Stephanie blinked at his words. They were heartfelt and truthful. “Wow,” she said, rather stunned.