Page 24 of The White Witch
“You miss them all,” Stephanie whispered.
“Even Issac and Elias, who I used to fight against. Benedict and Lucian were more approachable, while Issac and Elias were hot-tempered like I once was. After my death, I discovered that a temper didn’t help either way, so I gained patience instead. That was always a hard lesson for me to learn,” Kit said ruefully.
“Three hundred years trapped in one place would have taught that, if nothing else!” Stephanie agreed.
“What about your family?” Kit inclined his head.
“Disinterested is the best word to describe them. They had their own tasks, often leaving me behind because of my quiet nature. When the stuff with Justin hit, they rallied around for a while before returning to their life. It’s how they are. We’re not close, which is why my five friends mean so much. They are the family I picked, if that makes sense,” Stephanie replied.
“It does. I was lucky in my relations, but I am well aware of those who weren’t. In my day, image meant everything. A scandal or even the hint of one could ruin a name, and many a daughter was forced into an unwelcome marriage.Some daughters compromised themselves in order to escape disinterested parents. I can’t say they had it better within a coerced marriage. Meanwhile, a son could be a complete scoundrel and still inherit. It was such an unfair system,” Kit agreed.
“Though we’re more enlightened, and I use that word cautiously, the system remains stacked towards sons who misbehave rather than the girls. Although admittedly, some of the behaviours today frighten me,” Stephanie acknowledged.
“Today’s women terrify me,” Kit admitted, laughing. “They little resemble the delicate creatures I once knew. In gaining their freedom and rights, they seem to have lost something. But what do I know? I am a dinosaur out of time.”
“Kit, you’re more of a man than someone who’s thirty years old, even though you’re eighteen. If you could return, would you? Or would you choose a different path from the one your life took?”
“I would always stick to my duty. At first, I was full of regrets and anger. I’d barely lived. But stopping evil is in my blood, so no, I don’t regret that. However, I wish I’d had more time to live and learn things. To make additional memories with my family and let them know how much I loved them. I’d have enjoyed seeing the man to tame CeeCee and watch Lucian fumble his way through a marriage. But those are dreams, not reality.
“The truth is, I prevented hundreds of men, women, and children over three centuries from being tortured and murdered. My one sacrifice saved hundreds, if not thousands, of lives. What does my single life mean to that figure? To have created a world where children sleep soundly and are untouched by evil. That is comfort indeed. And well worth the life of one minor noble. I can rest easy in my death knowing that those people all got the chances I didn’t,” Kit explained.
“That’s a really honourable thought,” Stephanie mused. “And not one you’d find popular today. Now, it’s all about self-entitlement and a me-me nature. Narcissism is on the rise, and self-sacrifice is down. Everyone is selfish today.”
“They were in my time. That is no different, no matter which era we live in. Humans are by nature selfish, but they are also brave, steady, and intelligent. Mankind has the scope to grow, and that is my hope,” Kit replied.
“That eventually man’s growth will outgrow his greed?”
“Yes, the potential is there.”
“That makes me feel good,” Stephanie admitted before jumping.
Kit had been right. The protection around his room had dulled Justin’s howls, but that one had been particularly loud.
“I wonder why the police haven’t been out. After all, we’re at the end of the village. There are houses close by. Why haven’t people called about Justin’s screaming?”
“Because the grounds are protected from noises leaking out. It was a ward CeeCee placed the last time she was here. I’d fought a werewolf, and it had alarmed the villagers, so CeeCee set a spell and made sure any noise on the grounds of the inn wouldn’t escape,” Kit explained.
Stephanie sat forward. “A spell? CeeCee was a witch?” she gasped.
“Yes. My twin had magical powers, which she only used for good. I must stress that,” Kit answered.
“As in a real live witch?” Stephanie inquired, delighted by the idea.
Kit smiled indulgently. “Yes, CeeCee cast spells. She was powerful for our side. Had she reached her full strength, well, the rest of us wouldn’t have been needed. One click of her fingers, and she could have brought the world to its knees.”
“Wow, I can’t imagine having that much power,” Stephanie mused.
“It was something Cecilia struggled mightily with. Having so much magic but not abusing it or turning to dark magic was a struggle. Magic itself can be addictive, which is why dark witches are created. They crave more and more power and so turn to the dark to gain it. They never seem to grasp that the actual power comes from being good and strong. It bemuses me,” Kit said.
“I can understand why.” She paused. “Can I ask a question?”
“Of course.”
“Kit, what is the evil creature you imprisoned here?”
Chapter Six.