Page 30 of The White Witch
“When I got to my room later that night, I noticed a book that wasn’t mine. But it belonged in Wollscombe Hall’s library. I recognised the smell that lingered on the leather cover. Thebook had never been here before, and yet the night I needed it, somehow Wollscombe sent it to me.”
“I knew you were hiding something!” Stephanie blurted.
“Yes, well. Since then, Wollscombe has interacted twice more with The White Witch and me. The first time was to send me CeeCee’s healing poultice, and now she’s sent you this healing cream to help your scars.”
“Did you know she could do that?”
“No. Three hundred years have gone by since I sensed or felt her. And now, since you arrived, Wollscombe seems to be very active and aware of what’s happening. The coincidence is strange,” Kit explained.
“Strange is not the word I would use,” Stephanie muttered as she undid the lid and sniffed. “This smells freshly made. Now either your sister is alive and making this, or Wollscombe has hidden depths.”
“More like hidden depths. I don’t know what’s changed that is making Wollscombe step up. I can’t believe she’s been dormant all these years, and the fact she’s interacting with me makes me wonder if she is with the others,” Kit said.
Stephanie inquired, “But is it a positive thing?”
“Yes. But I have to wonder, why now?”
Chapter Seven.
The next day, she took charge of her replacement vehicle and watched as her old one was towed away. The two men picking it up had been horror-struck at its condition. Her lips had twitched in amusement as they wondered what type of accident she’d been in. Her explanation that someone had done this to her car had thrown them off balance.
“Lady, whoever you peed off, I hope they get caught!” the older guy had said.
Stephanie had smiled sweetly, her eyes on Kit as he lurked at his window while the men were present.
As soon as they dropped the new car and took hers away, he was waiting downstairs in the bar.
“Stephanie, are you certain you want to visit The Crown? Elias was the most hot-tempered and difficult of all of us. Should he think you’re trying to steal his trap, well, I can only imagine the trouble he’d bring down on you,” Kit said, looking unsure at their plan.
“It would make you feel better. Plus, I can always look for some books on banishing a demon from hell. You mentioned it’s not so easy as the others.”
“No, it isn’t. If you get one word wrong during the ritual, it becomes void. Expelling demons born on earth or brought from another plane is easier. But true hell demons are little… buggers to banish,” Kit replied with a red tinge to his cheeks.
Stephanie giggled. He’d clearly been going to swear and changed mid-sentence.
“Tell me some things I can tell Elias if he confronts me. Information that only you both knew that would convince him to believe me. Callie has gone to visit her mum today as she’s sick, so The Crown will be empty all day. Elias may have relaxed his guard; we never know,” Stephanie said.
With a long stare, Kit started discussing private matters known only to him and his brother. Stephanie listened carefully and absorbed the details. After repeating everything back to him, Stephanie cheerfully waved as she got into the car and drove away.
He stared out of the windows of The Crown. That damnable wench had left in the early hours, but she’d not taken her belongings with her. Something had badly upset her last night. He’d heard the contraption she called a phone ring, and then her voice rose in distress. When Callie had said she’d arrive in the morning, he’d hoped his tricks had chased her away.
But no, everything remained.
A dark scowl crossed his face as he thought about the irritating woman. There was a grudging respect he felt for her. Callie certainly gave as good as she got.
He sat patiently waiting for her return because he had a doozy of a trick to play on her this time.
Stephanie parked opposite The Crown in a small lay-by. It was a pretty inn, with its black wood and window frames and newly painted white walls. It wasn’t as tall as The White Witch, and Stephanie noted there had been additions added to it. The main building had two levels, with a wing to the left, which was clearly a later addition. It was possibly a converted stable, considering there was a door in the roof leading to nowhere.
From her vantage point, she could see another section coming off the back, making The Crown a three sided square shaped building. Callie hadn’t mentioned having work done, but it was clear the inn was in good repair and had been worked upon recently. There were parking spots in front and a car park sign on the side of the converted stable. But Stephanie hadn’t wanted to alert Elias she was present. From what Callie had said, he was a cantankerous, nasty ghost, and she didn’t want to pre-warn him.
In fact, Stephanie hoped he’d be sulking somewhere or planning revenge on Callie for Callie’s pranks on him. Stephanie had decided they were all as bad as one another. It appeared only she and Kit didn’t fight. Something she was incredibly grateful for.