Page 39 of The White Witch
Kit wished he could save her from this. Stephanie was as white as a ghost and clearly terrified. But she wasn’t ready to leave, and he couldn’t force her.
“My soul, my meal! My reward!” Zorathal bellowed as he swung a mighty claw at Justin. It was a decapitating move if Kit had ever seen one. Still, Justin hadn’t materialised, and it went through his body, although it left damage.
Justin roared, and his talons shredded Zorathal’s chest.
Kit kept a sharp watch on the combatants. Whenever they came close to Stephanie, he erected a barrier to protect the circle. He wasn’t strong enough to keep it up, and The White Witch wasn’t making her presence known. But she hadn’t disappeared. He could feel her faintly, but she was in no condition to fight.
The battle persisted, stretching from minutes to an hour and then two. Both sides stood firm, unwilling to surrender or retreat. They both thirsted for Stephanie for different reasons. Justin to rip her apart and win over Cole. Zorathal because he’d been imprisoned, and Stephanie was the ultimate prize. A soul as pure as snow.
Kit stayed alert, not knowing which blow might turn the tide. The bar of The White Witch was mere kindling now, and there were several large dents in the walls.
His once pristine and beloved home certainly resembled a battle scene. Kit rather perversely realised what a compliment it was to Stephanie to have two creatures ready to fight to the death over her soul. Although it was one he wished that didn’t exist.
Anytime someone came near Stephanie, Kit lashed out with his sword, dealing a stinging blow.
Stephanie remained alert, but she was now sitting on the floor. Her body was prepared to leap up and escape the circle when she needed to. Kit longed to tell her how proud he was of her. But he dared not distract her. His heart swelled with an emotion he recognised as love. This woman who owed him nothing, who’d been beaten and terrified, was standing up forhim and his inn. To help him protect the world from an evil that she understood couldn’t be allowed to walk free.
Stephanie was remaining steadfast beside him for no other reason than she knew he needed her help.
Kit swallowed hard. She truly was a walking miracle. And no matter what, he’d ensure Stephanie got the life she deserved. The husband, children, and white picket fence. The things he yearned to give her remained out of reach. Kit ignored the pang in his heart because he loved her enough to let her find genuine happiness. Even without—
A roar caught his attention, and his eyes widened as he spotted Zorathal shove his fists through Justin’s form and tear it apart. He swapped glances with Stephanie as she got slowly to her feet. Kit turned as Zorathal threw what was left of Justin into a corner and spun, licking his lips as he gazed at Stephanie.
He caught a glance of a flicker, and then Justin roared, materialised, and slung himself at Zorathal’s back.
Kit saw his chance, leapt forward, and swung his sword.
It sliced cleanly through the air, and Justin’s eyes widened as the blade cut through his neck like a knife through butter. Kit longed to give Stephanie a warning, but there was no time as Justin’s head rolled free of his body.
It immediately began to crumple and turn to dust.
“Standing in that circle doesn’t protect you,” Zorathal said, grinning. “It traps you inside with me.”
Kit swung around to face Zorathal, but with a speed he’d not expected, Zorathal appeared in the demon circle. As Kit’s mouth opened to scream in denial, Zorathal reached for Stephanie. The White Witch suddenly materialised and flung Stephanie outside it with the last of her strength. From her position on the floor, Stephanie began shouting the chant in a loud, clear voice.
Zorathal spun as he sought a weakness within the chalk lines.
“Keep repeating it. It will take several tries,” Kit yelled as he sank to his knees.
For his lack of participation in the battle, Kit was strangely tired. He kept one eye on Justin’s rapidly decomposing form. Kit was watchful in case that scoundrel returned from the dead—again.
Stephanie’s voice rose above Zorathal’s as she kept up the chant perfectly.
Zorathal made threats and demands and flung himself against the circle’s magical barriers. Still, he was trapped and at Stephanie’s mercy. And it appeared she had little to give as she climbed to her knees and then stood in front of him. A wind swept through the inn, lifting her hair and floating it around her face, and still she continued. With a final triumphant shout, she clapped her hands together and started the chant again.
Stephanie’s voice rang pure as strength flowed through her, and Zorathal began to smoke. He screamed obscenities aimed to make Stephanie falter, but it was as if she couldn’t hear them. Stephanie didn’t pause, hesitate, or stop until Zorathal burst into flames.
She moved away from him, the words pouring from her lips as fire consumed more and more of him.
Zorathal finally disappeared in a huge explosion of fire, which knocked them both off their feet.
They sat up together and gazed at the circle. There was nothing there apart from the chalk and some burned wood.
“Did we win?” Stephanie asked hoarsely.
“Yes,” Kit replied, scrambling across to her. He gathered her into his arms and kissed the top of her head as he rocked her back and forth. Stephanie clung to him with just as much emotion.
“I was terrified he’d get free,” Kit said after several minutes.