Page 42 of The White Witch
“This is amazing,” Kit said, almost as excited as Stephanie. They got out of the car, and Stephanie sheepishly handed over his riding boots.
“I stole them from your room,” she admitted.
Kit chuckled.
“I noticed them and wondered why you’d hidden them. The blanket shifted a little,” Kit replied as she pouted.
“Oh, it ruined my surprise!”
“Not at all, I honestly didn’t know we were coming here,” Kit denied. He couldn’t help but feel excited about riding again. It had been a sport he’d loved, and he had spent every day on horseback, even if only a short jaunt around the park.
A man met them and introduced himself. After signing some forms and then having a trial run, he let them take two horses out on their own. Kit could well understand why. Many claimed riding skills and didn’t possess them. He was heartened by the owner’s care towards his animals.
They rode for several miles, just at a canter, until they found a nice spot, and then Kit discovered the second part of his surprise.
Stephanie had asked the stables to also provide a picnic.
As he relaxed on the blanket with Stephanie lying with her head on his lap, Kit honestly thought this was the most perfect of all their dates.
Nothing could ever beat this day, and he’d remember it until his final passing. It was a beautiful sunny day, the sky blue with fluffy white clouds. The horses grazed near the tree they were tied to, and the smell of wildflowers floated through the air.
No, nothing could surpass this feeling of being at peace with your loved one in your arms...
“Are you certain of that, young Norton?” a voice asked.
Kit moved so suddenly that Stephanie rolled off his lap and banged her head.
In front of him was a hazy shape.
“What the damnation?” Kit exclaimed as he hastily checked Stephanie over. She slapped his hands away and stared at the figure.
“Who are you?” she demanded.
“A friend.” The stranger sat. It reached for a sandwich and bit into it. “Rather tasty for human food.”
Kit was moving Stephanie behind him while monitoring the stranger. It appeared to be made of mist, but he knew somehow it was as solid as he was. It seemed as if the figure was deliberately hiding its features as the mist swirled around.
“What type of friend?” Stephanie demanded.
Kit sighed. She refused to be excluded or hide in his shadow. Stephanie resisted moving from his side.
“You may call me Haniel,” she said.
Kit wracked his brains. He knew that name, and suddenly, he stared at the intruder, dumbstruck.
“Haniel, the Archangel of Joy?”
“That is me, and what happiness you both bring me! Such a pure love between the two of you. And your heart, Kit. Not a jealous tinge that your siblings live and you yet don’t.”
“Yet?” Stephanie pounced on the word.
“Yet. I am not alone. May I introduce my brothers, Lucifer and Metatron?” Haniel asked as two more figures appeared beside her.
They sank to the ground.
“An angel?” Stephanie whispered, stunned.
“An archangel, my dear,” Metatron corrected.