Page 51 of The White Witch
The Keeper
“Wollscombe is at it again. I felt her stir earlier, but she refuses to engage,” she said, frustrated.
“We’ve never conversed with Wollscombe even though we’re aware she’s there,” The Peacemaker answered.
“Something big is coming; it worries me,” The Keeper replied.
“We all learned the stories. We’re just going to have to trust that Wollscombe hasn’t been corrupted and will answer the call when needed,” The Peacemaker replied.
The Keeper turned her head towards a mirror. Somehow, she knew Wollscombe had a few tricks waiting for them in the background. And none of them were ready.
The Nortons.
Lord Lucian ‘Lucifer’ Norton. Earl of Castleton.He was born in 1690 and died in 1716. His family estate is Wollscombe Hall. When Lucian was eight, he was attacked by a Master Vampire. His father saved him, but they lost his mother to another vampire. Lucian raced to The Jekyll and Hyde to stop Margery from killing another child and casting a wicked spell. He and Margery were never seen again after that night.
He is described as having blond hair that was almost silver, a straight roman nose with dark brown eyes with a tint of green around the edges. Lucian has thin lips and a hint of mischief, but his eyes hold a warning of danger. Maggie describes Lucian’s body as tall and leanly muscled. He is the leader of God’s Scourge, a band of hunters who hunt down evil. His entire bloodline has been committed to this for centuries.
Lord Richard Norton. He was the father of Lucian and his siblings. It is unknown how he died or when he died. He lost his wife when he saved Lucian from a Master Vampire.
Lord Elias Norton.Viscount Forthingay.He was twenty-five when he died. He is a ‘Lord’ while his brothers are ‘Honourable’ because he is Lucian’s heir. When Lucian has a son, Elias will become ‘The Hon Elias Norton.’
The Hon. Isaac Norton. The third child of Richard Norton and twin of Elias. He was twenty-five when he died.
The Hon. Benedict Norton. He was the fourth son of Richard Norton and was twenty-three when he died. He is hot tempered and fully prepared to defend The Black Cat against all intruders.
The Hon. Kit Norton.He was the fifth son of Richard Norton and was eighteen when he died. He refuses to play his usual tricks on Stephanie as he can see she’s been hurt. But he also insists she has to leave. He falls for the gentle woman as she grows in strength and character to stand by his side.
Lady Cecilia Norton.She was the sixth child of Richard Norton and the only girl. She was eighteen when she died and was fondly called CeeCee. She is called the Blue Lady as she wears blue dresses to haunt in, she’s also called the Blue Witch by those who know of her powers and finally the Norton Witch. She was in love with James Eddington but he died an old man without children. She is the most powerful witch of her lineage.
The Owners of the Inns.
Maggie Winn. Maggie was adopted after being left in a skip as a baby. Katherine forced an adoption through and doted on Maggie. Maggie is poor. All her family money, her mother’s insurance and the sale of the family home went on paying Katherine’s bills when Katherine died. Her friends worry about her as they know how broke she is. She wins twenty-five million on the lottery, and her immediate thought is to share it with her friends.
Maggie makes them go on a cruise, and then they each buy an old inn as it was their dream. Maggie is described as beautiful, with golden curls and big brown eyes. Lucian says she has a heart-shaped face, bow-shaped lips and a swanlike neck. Hethinks she has excellent hips and a plump behind. Maggie has old-fashioned morals and ethics.
Mariah. Mariah bought the Black Cat Inn and is the first to tell Maggie it’s haunted by Benedict. She is the one that frees Benedict from the vampire. Mariah and Benedict clash with one another.
Cole.He is an only child like Maggie and is very close to his friends. He bought The Green Man Inn, and it is haunted by CeeCee. He enjoys Riding. He stubbornly refuses to leave The Green Man and tries to investigate Cecilia at first. He buys a horse called Rebel Warrior.
Stephanie.She bought the Crown Inn and is haunted by Kit. Stephanie was in a relationship with Justin, Cole’s cousin who abused her. Cole beat him up and freed her from the abuse. When she takes over The White Witch she is still recovering from her past and is vulnerable.
Tilly.Tilly bought the Rose Inn and is at war with Isaac. When Maggie calls her, they are arguing violently.
Callie.She bought the White Witch Inn and is haunted by Elias. They are constantly fighting.
Rakehell Six and their spouses.
Lord Daniel Augustus Harrington.Marquess Blackwood. Daniel died when he was twenty-seven. He has brown hair and ice-blue eyes. He’s six foot three and lean-hipped and broad-shouldered and wide-chested. Daniel forgives his murderers and, in doing so, saves Sabine and sacrifices himself to achieve that goal. He’s stubborn and fierce and loves Sabine with everything he has. Daniel is sent back to finish his destiny, which was ripped from him. He is a member of the Rakehell Six.
Lady Sabine Harrington. Sabine was down on her luck and broke when she was given a chance to inherit Oakwood Manor.She’s as stubborn as Daniel and refuses to leave. After Daniel sacrifices himself, Sabine learns she is pregnant and swears that her child will be raised in Oakwood. Sabine is shocked to learn that she holds the feudal rights to Blackwood Village. Her first child is Henry and is Daniel’s heir. Sabine marries Daniel when he returns.
St John Courtenay, Viscount Ravenell.He was part of the Rakehell Six. St John was Daniel’s best friend. He married Henrietta a year after her mourning period ended. He was murdered. St John was reincarnated but remembers nothing, and his current persona owns Courtenay House and is estranged from his father. He is the current 23rdViscount Ravenell, but when first born, he was the 17thViscount Ravenell. St John is arrogant and autocratic but a good-hearted man. He is loyal to the Rakehell Six and wants to unravel the plot around them.
Henrietta Josephine Courtenay nee Harrington.Henrietta was the youngest of the siblings and Daniel’s favourite sister. She fled Oakwood Manor on the night of Daniel’s murder after Isabelle attacked her, too. Henrietta stayed at the Manor before being forced to run away with St John Courtenay, who married her at Gretna Green. Henrietta’s memories were wiped, and she can’t remember her death or St John’s. She has brown hair and ice-blue eyes, and a curvy figure. She’s five foot five. Henrietta was murdered in 1716; she was pushed down the stairs.
Nicholas Pembroke, Earl Mortimer.Nicholas is the third member of the Rakehell Six. He was three years older than Daniel and St John. Nicholas has dark brown eyes and is six foot three. He was the next one to die after Daniel. Nicholas was trapped in a prison, and Henrietta freed him. Nicholas in Waverley Hall has to use the title Viscount Weybridge.