Page 73 of No White Knight
“He does keep the Mayberry in Heart’s Edge.” I prop my elbow on my knee, resting my chin in my hand and watching her. “You sure about this? I agree, it’s gotta be Declan. Those guys were incompetent, too. I’m guessing they’re the latest crew he’s scraped together, and he’s talked them into the noble task of roughing up a lonely lady for a shakedown to get their money back. I’d love to see him cuffed for it, but it’s still a risk.”
“What’s life without risks?” she asks, though she looks a little pale.
I hold my hand out. “You’ve got me for backup.”
“What’re you gonna do?” She slips her hand into mine, curling those calloused fingers that I admire so much against my palm. “Put on a clown suit and dance a jig?”
“If I have to.” I chuckle, squeezing her hand tight, hoping I can offer reassurance.
Shit. I’m not used to being in this position.
The women I’ve been with just wanted hot nights but were always afraid of showing me their anger, their vulnerable side, their needs.
Fuck that.
I want real.
I want to protect.
I want to own what’s right in front of me.
Libby’s not afraid to need me, and I love it, especially if I can bring her comfort.
I just hope I can truly sort her shit.
“I’ve got a few other ways to distract the sheriff besides calling the circus into town. Like my own case with the fire out at my site. If I tell him I think Declan’s linked to both, that’ll get his head so knotted up he won’t think about anything else like a trip out to Ursa.”
Libby frowns. “You really think Declan set that fire?”
“Who else would?” I ask. “I made it pretty clear I’m playing for the wrong team now. Burn all my shit, leave me in debt and desperate for money, and he’s hoping I’ll change sides again and get you to flip so I don’t lose my business.”
Libby goes pale. “Holy crap, I didn’t—Holt, are you gonna go under? Because I’m being stubborn and won’t sell on top of him wrecking your stuff?”
“No.” I hold her hand firm, reassuring, and look at her steadily. “Libby, I’ll be just fine. I’m a brawler and I don’t quit. Hell, when I die they’ll have to bury me face down or I’ll dig my way out, even if I’m a hundred and too decrepit to move.”
That actually gets a faint smile out of her, but I hate how she looks guilty, her eyes dark with worry.
Libby’s a fighter, too.
I don’t even want her thinking about surrender because she feels bad for me.
“I’m already taking care of things,” I say. “I sold the Benz. Needed to anyway; truck’s better for hauling construction supplies. That deal gave me enough liquid cash to cover pay for my crew, and I’ve put in for a loan at the bank. I leased my equipment to own once. I can do it again. Once I’ve got my gear and supplies back, I’m good to go.”
She stares at me. “You went to that bank for help?”
“Didn’t have a choice. After everything that went down in this town lately, they’re the only game in town. A bigger bank wouldn’t take a gamble on me, either. You can bet on that.” I shake my head. “They can’t do much to me over a small loan. And I’m glad I did, because talking to Cherish is how I found out Declan doesn’t work there.”
“Yeah, you mentioned that.” Libby presses her lips together in a disapproving line. “I still don’t like it. You’ll be in trouble without the mall contract, won’t you?”
“I wasn’t getting that contract either way, but now no one is. They need your land, and we’re going to keep that out of anybody’s hands but yours.” I grin real wide and give her hand another squeeze. “Now c’mon. Let me help you with breakfast, and then we can call old Langley and do what needs doing.”
* * *
It’s been a long time since I worked in a country home kitchen, but it’s surprisingly easy to fall back into it.
Years ago, it was helping Blake and Ma make dinner every night after school. Later it was nights off base, roughing it on deployment and cooking over propane ranges. Can’t say I ever fully settled into New York’s fine dining scene, either.
Give me a griddle full of hash browns and cheese, enough bacon to make a whole pig, gooey dripping cheesy scrambled eggs, and a pretty girl any day.
I still don’t know what I’m doing here with Libby.
In one breath we went from screaming insults to screaming desire.
Right alongside this sort of quiet thing where we’re partners in crime.
I’m here to keep her safe, no question.
It means I get to enjoy the way her body brushes against mine while we move through the kitchen together.