Page 24 of Out of Her Dreams
‘It feels…it feels…’
‘This is real.Full-on roaring lust, Cally.You want me and I want you.’As he’d never wanted another—so intensely it stirred him almost to anger.Shemade him angry—constantly forcing him to reassess, constantly making him feel the need to defend himself.He didn’t want her on a whim, because of some bet.He simply had no choice.From the moment he’d seen her he’d sensed the depths, felt the primal recognition of the perfect—physical—mate.
He wanted it to be the same for her.Wanted her to feel this almost animal need to have, to dominate, to possess.To surrender.
It smelt real; it tasted real; it felt real.
She couldn’t think any more.As his hands held her head, and his tongue swept into her mouth to taste all of her, she felt it through to her marrow.The very real lust.The need to have him keep kissing her like this—long and deep and so, so sweet and hot.
He whispered into her ear, his breath warm and tickling, and all she wanted was that mouth back on hers.
‘I’m not going to do anything that you aren’t willing for me to do.You can say no and I’ll stop.Okay?’
As if she was going to say no.
‘There’s just me and there’s just you and we’re just going to have some fun.’
Bring it on.
‘This is what you want, right?’
He still needed to ask?Couldn’t he feel the way she was trembling?Couldn’t he feel the fire that burned through her veins?‘Yes.’She wanted him to stop thinking, stop questioning, stop talking.She just wanted him to take her.She knew he could make her go places she’d never been, had only dreamed of being.He could do that with just one kiss.Now she wanted the rest of it.
He spun her on the stool so the bench was at her back.She heard him walk and then felt him in front of her, felt his fingers in her hair, and could hardly wait.
But as the mask slipped from her skin, so the blinding lust cooled and a speck of reason peeked in.She looked at him.Really looked at him, looking at her.And she couldn’t believe what was in his eyes.
He pushed the robe from her shoulders, so it slid down her arms, and started to slip from her body.Half-naked, she looked down and felt a flicker of uncomfortable return.
This man was perfection.She was not.
‘I think I preferred it with the blindfold on.’
His brows lifted.‘So you can’t see me?’
‘So I can’t seeme.’
‘You think you’re ugly?’
‘No.But I’m not a model.’It wasn’t that she was ugly.She was ordinary.Ordinarily ordinary wouldn’t matter.But when you were the daughter of a supermodel?Then it was a problem.She was miles off that striking, classical bone structure—the perfect, symmetrical face.And as for her figure.‘I’m not slim.’
He rested his hands on her shoulders, thumbs stroking, soothing her smooth skin.‘Let me tell you what I see.’He looked, a long, measuring look down her body, and she would have scrambled for some sort of covering if his hands weren’t firm on her arms, holding her still for his inspection.‘I look at your breasts.I look at your belly.I look at your heaven-sent bottom and my brain shuts down.Instinct screams at me—fecundity!Fertile female.Must procreate, must procreate.’A sharp smile, a mocking edge and an even keener look in his eye.
She stared at him.And finally, she laughed.A short brittle crack.
‘Which shows how appearances can be deceiving, I guess.You males can’t do intuition or instinct.’She stood up, clutching the robe, walked away from the kitchen and into the living area.‘I’m never having children.’
The silence was small but pointed.‘You’re a career woman through and through?’He followed her, stood beside her, heat radiating from him.She knew it wasn’t just lust spiking his temperature—there was another emotion too.
Let him judge.He knew nothing of her heartbreak, the way her body’s limitations had forced her to take a road she’d rather be off but that she was determined to make the best of.
‘Absolutely.Nothing matters more to me than my business.’Bitterness made her vehement, and self-hatred sounded simply like hate.
His eves flashed fire.Did he think she was some heartless, hard-headed workaholic lacking any kind of maternal instinct?She wasn’t—but so what if she was?He could think what he liked—she was determined not to care.
They stared at each other, passion clashing.But the blast of temptation and desire was too strong, transforming her emotion from angry disappointment to angry lust.Despite his obvious disapproval, despite the fact he was exactly the wrong type for her, she still wanted him.She saw the same battle in his eyes and knew that neither of them wanted to feel things this way—forced beyond boundaries that normally were easy to maintain.
‘Just us.’She stated the rules.‘Just sex.’She looked at his expression.There was no smile.No tenderness.It was purely dark desire that would disappear once they’d done it.‘Right?’