Page 49 of Out of Her Dreams
She tasted his smile as he agreed.‘Much more.’His fingers worked and as she moaned he spoke roughly.‘There are no limits on us now, Cally.The night is young.’
The night was never going to be long enough, for she was hungry again.So hungry.
Her knees rubbed against the carpet as she pushed down on him.His fingers dug into the round flesh of her hips, and he held her firm while he pumped up into her, strong deep movements that took her closer to ecstasy.
With eyes that could barely focus she looked down at his body spread beneath her, at the determination and desire in his face.The control he fought to maintain as he pushed her to her limit.And she couldn’t stop the moans, the throaty sighs that came with each breath, each thrust as she absorbed him and abandoned herself to pleasure.Until at last her body crumpled and her mind was blanketed, descending into the dreamless deep sleep of the replete.
‘Are you okay?’
With him as her pillow, she looked up at the window high above the front door.His hand swept across her belly.She turned her head to catch his expression.He looked possessive, proud.Cally panicked.Felt guilt and remorse rush through her.She hadn’t given the baby a thought in the last hour.She’d been too consumed with lust.Too needy for the strength and satisfaction he could give.She had just wanted, and demanded he give it.All she’d wanted was him.‘I think so.’
And that hadn’t been the gentlest sex.That had been wild and sweaty and, oh, how she’d adored every wild thrust of it.Hell, she wanted more even now.And she knew the baby should be fine.The doctor had said sex wouldn’t be a risk.
‘Still hungry?’
‘Starving.’What was the point in lying?She’d tried denial and that only made it worse.
He scooped her up in his arms and they finally made it to his big, comfortable bed.
‘I’ve missed this,’ he muttered in her ear as he pulled her close into a sleepy, sensual cuddle.
This.Not her, but the sex.He was a physical man, of course he’d want this.Was that why he’d been so edgy at their wedding?Simple frustration?He hadn’t had his usual release?She blocked out the doubting thoughts by using her mouth on him.It was too late for doubt now.Far too late.
The morning after his wedding Blake woke his wife and had more of her.So hot, so tight, sweet and soft.He didn’t think he could ever have enough.She’d been so abandoned last night, so wanting.So totally mind-blowing.Cally had come out fighting in a way that had totally rocked him.He didn’t want her to disappear under the finishing-school reserve ever again.
‘I think, if we’re going to make this marriage work, we need to do this on a regular basis.’
She looked at him with eyes that were slightly baleful.‘Don’t say it.’
‘Say what?’
‘That you told me so.’
‘What do you mean?’
‘Alive,’ she mumbled.‘Willing.’
He chuckled.‘I wouldn’t dream of it, honey.I’m far too much of a gentleman.’
‘You are not,’ she retorted.‘But you were right.’She rolled onto her tummy, stretched an arm out to stroke his shoulder.‘We should have done that sooner.’
‘It needed to be when you were ready.’
‘You could have seduced me.’
‘Maybe.’It wasn’t as if he hadn’t thought about it.He’d come close on the deck when he’d held her close for the first time in ages.‘I didn’t want you to resent me any more than you already do.’
Surprise and a frown flashed in her eyes.‘I don’t resent you.I know you’re trying to do what you think is best.’
A small tension snapped inside and he smiled at her.It made him realise how much he wanted this to work.How much he wanted his wife and baby to be well and happy.
Family, his family—the idea made him shiver in a part-terrifying, part-tantalising way.He’d never thought he’d get to here, And, okay, it might not be the conventional blinding-love thing, but they had a fair chance of making it work.The fact they were amazing in bed together might just be the thing to tip the balance in their favour.
He hadn’t felt this good ever.He’d done the right thing, insisting on the marriage.That last night when she’d insisted on being apart from him, had been hell.Maybe he should have taken her back to bed sooner, but he’d wanted it to be her move as it had been that weekend—and he liked the way she’d exploded, ripping into him like that.Taking what she wanted.
Colour now tinged her cheeks and he’d almost believe she was a shy bride.‘I need to get my toothbrush.’
‘I’ll go.’