Page 17 of Secret Heir's Return
The packhouse was jumping with preparations for the full moon. Witches were gathering herbs and discussing their evening plans and what spells they would cast, while the wolves moved around preparing an early meal before the shift and run would begin. Most of the pack would be running together tonight, but I noticed many couples would be taking a moment on the run to disappear together. Myself and Liberty were no exception.
“You ready?” Brady asked me with a slap to my back.
“What’s the big deal? I’ve gone running in the moonlight before.” I watched Liberty as she prepared with the other she-wolves near the line of trees.
“The big deal is that you and my sister will run together for the first time as mates. It’s a huge deal. The first time Dad was able to take Mom out with him on a run, he said it was the most exhilarating feeling he ever felt. More so than the first shift.”
He nudged me along with him to gather with the pack. As we approached, he guided us toward Liberty, who now stood beside their parents at the head of the pack. She glanced up at me as our fingers grazed, sparks of electricity spiking through my veins. The look she tried to hide in her eyes told me that she felt it as well.
“Is everyone here?” Orion asked, looking around the pack for any sign that he was missing a pack member.
“Only Sadie. She’s staying in with her pup tonight.” Liberty said to her dad.
“All right. Well, let’s get going then.”
Everyone at once removed their clothes as fur burst from their skin, and their faces shifted to long snouts of their wolves. I instinctively turned to look at Liberty as she finished her shift with a melodious howl.
She was a large alpha she-wolf with fur as black as night. Her emerald eyes glowed in contrast to her dark color, making her a vision straight out of my own fantasies. I joined her in her howl, my dark brown fur shimmering compared to her darkness. I had never paid much attention to my features in wolf form, but as she lowered her head from the howl to look at me, I longed to know what it was she was seeing.
Another large black wolf leapt past us, Diana sitting on his back with her long red hair flying out behind her. A wolf with rust-colored fur followed behind, soon followed by the rest of the pack. I watched them all run past us, Liberty watching each of them with me. Only when it was just the two of us did her gaze turn back to me.
I tilted my head at her in question. I wanted to let her take the lead on our run tonight. Give her some control that I could see she longed to take. With a playful yip, she turned and ran in theopposite direction of the rest of the pack. I was quick to follow her.
She dodged and jumped around me as I chased her through the woods. I could feel the joy and amusement coming from her the farther we went on our run. For the first time since the first night when I marked her, I could feel her enjoying herself with me.
I howled to the sky as I ran after her, leaping over her hunched form, when she halted with a bark resembling laughter. She turned to run in the other direction, taking us through the forest in our own private game of tag.
We were starting over, just as she had said we would. I could feel her apprehension around me easing with each turn we made through the forest, leaping over trees and fallen logs. Together, we chased rabbits and squirrels, tumbling through a clearing as we nipped playfully at one another. I could feel our bond strengthening. I understood better why Brady made this run seem like a bigger deal than I had thought it would be.
Then everything stopped. A scent halted our playful activity, raising Liberty’s hackles as the scent reached her. It was a scent I knew well. A scent I was not ready to face with the truth just yet. I jerked my head just in time to spot my father’s grey wolf in the brush. Liberty had not seen him, but with the way she growled, I knew she knew he was near.
What are you doing here?I mind-linked to my father.
Checking up on your progress. Has she marked you?
I growled in response, turning away from where I knew my father hid.
No. You just interrupted us. Leave now before they catch you. The entire pack is out tonight in the forest.
Don’t order me like you have authority, boy. I’m still your father. Remember what you were sent here to do. Get it done and check in with me tomorrow.
I felt his scent grow fainter with his parting words. My body relaxed, but Liberty still stood stiff, her eyes glazed over as she mind-linked with her pack. I could hear the sounds of howls in the distance; the pack was moving back toward the packhouse while a few others broke off and headed to us.
The night ended, and the spell between us shattered. Liberty turned away from me to the sound of the approaching wolves, the rust-colored wolf leading the charge through the brush. As I caught his scent, I realized that it was Brady, followed by a few warriors whose names I had yet to learn.
Gohome. Liberty’s voice echoed in my mind. It surprised me to have her mind-link me. I was disappointed to hear her command to go. I won’t be long, but this is pack business. You don’t need to be here.
Chapter Ten
Shortly after Xander left, Dad joined Brady and the warriors. He had taken Mom back to the packhouse to watch over things, while we went to investigate the rouge who had been so close to us during our run.
“His scent ends here,” I called over, shifted back into my human form. Brady had brought the dress I had been wearing with him when he appeared with the warriors. As much as nudity wasn’t an issue with shifters, it was nice of him to think of me as he rushed to my call of an intruder.
“How can his scent just end there?” One warrior asked. I watched as his nose flared in search of the scent he wouldn’t find.
“We believe a witch is working with the rogues,” Brady explained, stepping around me to find the source of magic we were certain would be there. “Ah, there it is.”