Page 27 of Secret Heir's Return
I pictured my friends all standing and cheering for me and Liberty alongside the rest of the Rigel pack. I even imagined Father smiling proudly at their side, happy for me for once in his life. It was all I wanted now that I had Liberty.
Brady nodded with a shrug. “I can understand that. Maybe you can–” He halted.
I turned to look back to where Brady was now standing and found his eyes milky white as he stared blankly at me. His body tensed and almost seemed to levitate off the ground as his eyes started to glow, and the aromatic scent of magic began to suffocate my senses.
As Brady opened his mouth and speak, the voice I was hearing was not his own. It echoed through the silent forest around us and sent chills down my spine. The voice was filled with so much power that I could have sworn it was The Fates themselves, speaking through my friend to me.
The voice was distorted. It wavered in and out of a feminine and masculine tone. It drifted from the voice of great age to a youthful voice – one of sorrow and one of joy. Never did the voice stay for much more than a minute between each tone and volume.
I am a saying, not easily heard.
In phrases and words, I am carefully stirred.
Lessons to learn, decisions to take.
In bonds, we form the choices we make.
Blood may be thick, but the covenants mightier.
Trust must be earned, not just acquired.
Through waters and choices, a path to discern.
The answer lies here: “It is his lesson to learn.”
Brady’s eyes closed with the last words; his body had fallen limp at my feet. I rushed to his side to help him to his feet as I attempted to process what had just happened.
“Brady!” I called out as I patted his cheek and shook him.
Slowly, his eyes peeked open; he let out a groan as he pressed his palm to his forehead.
“That’s a first,” he said. Only then did I relax as I helped him back to his feet.
“What was that?” I asked with concern.
“Apparently The Fates really needed you to hear that right now,” he said cryptically. “They have never hit me that hard before.”
I watched as he continued to rub his head and flinch at the flashes of light that trickled through the leaves overhead. The words in the echoing voice were repeating over and over in my mind.
“It is his lesson to learn,” I spoke aloud.
“I heard it before,” Brady said. “When Lib came to ask me for help with a vision around your bond together, I told her that The Fates never reveal what doesn’t need to be revealed, but I tried and those words came to my mind. I couldn’t speak the words to her, though.”
“Why?” I asked.
“Because they weren’t meant for her,” he said. “Come on, let’s finish up and get back to the packhouse. Right now, I need about two bottles of aspirin to ease my headache.”
I stood there for a moment, watching him walk away. It was clear to me that he possessed knowledge beyond the words that The Fates had spoken through him. I had learned the signs over the time we had spent together. If I wasn’t with Liberty, I was with him – as close to him as if we had grown up together. We had become friends fast in these short two weeks, and I knew he was still holding something inside.
“What else is there?” I asked. I stood in place behind him as I waited for him to answer.
Brady stopped walking; his shoulder sagged and head was down before he looked back at me over his shoulder.
“I can’t say any more than what The Fates allow. All I can say is that the message is for you. My sister has a lesson too that she is already learning, but your lesson is far harder to learn than hers. I don’t envy you, my friend. Not at this time, anyway.”
He turned back and continued without me. “You can stay out here and think it over if you want. I wasn’t bullshitting when I said my head hurt. Nothing like a godly presence taking over your body to make you feel like a herd of elephants had stomped on your head.”
I remained where I was and watched Brady head back to the packhouse alone. My mind raced with the possibilities of what The Fates were telling me. Their words haunted me with all the possibilities. Had I not yet earned Liberty’s trust like I thought I had? Was there something more I needed to do to prove that I was worthy of her trust?