Page 22 of His For The Keeping
“I think you are beginning to understand.”
They had seated her on a hard wooden chair between the two of them at a beautiful oak table in the dining room. They were giants of men who obviously took good care of their bodies.
Frankie couldn’t look at Brad. She knew he had to have heard what had occurred between Shane and her in the bedroom just moments before. The damned man expected her to sit at dinnerand eat as if nothing else had happened, even after spanking her and rubbing her clit. Her body had betrayed her. She had been aroused, more aroused than she’d ever been in her life. She wanted him to fuck her, wanted it more than she would admit, even to herself.
She had spent the morning at her sister’s wedding brunch. Then she had been kidnapped from the garden, driven across the state, spanked, fingered, and found out her entire family was dead. Now, she was supposed to sit at a table, eat barbecue, and pretend her life was normal.
“Has Shane ever told you about The Cattleman?” Brad asked.
“Shane hasn’t told me about anything. He likes to keep secrets until the very last minute.”
Both men looked at her in surprise.
“Frankie…” The warning in Shane’s voice was clear.
She shifted in her seat, the spanking’s painful effects still lingering.
“It’s true.” She shrugged.
“We haven’t known each other long,” Shane supplied.
“Long? We just met a couple hours ago.”
“Watch your tone unless you want to go back over my knee.”
“It’s okay, sweetheart. I’ve had my share of little ladies over my knee,” Brad said.
She looked at him sideways. “I thought you were nice.”
“I am.”
Both men laughed.
“We’ve met before when you were a much younger child. Our families had an event together. We were all kids,” Shane said.
“I don’t remember that.”
“I do. While the rest of your sisters ran around, making eyes at the boys, you sat in the corner, knees tucked to your chest, reading a book. I thought you were charming.”
“The food looks delicious.” Frankie changed the subject. She didn’t want to talk about her family right now. The only way she would get through this was to push it aside until she was at a safe place to process.
“It is. The Cattleman is a local restaurant not far from here known for its barbecue. They smoke the meat on sight. I hope you like ribs and brisket.”
“It smells as good as it looks, but I’m not hungry.” Not in the slightest. It smelled great, and maybe if things were different, she’d eat.
“You’ll eat, anyway,” Shane commanded.
She looked at him, raising her eyebrows.
“You need to eat, sweetheart, to keep up your strength,” Brad said, piling food on a plate and passing it to her.
“You are both bossy as hell,” she said, then bit her lip.
“Stop biting your lip, Francesca,” Shane said.