Page 66 of One in a Million
Right now, all that mattered to Roper was keeping Lila safe.
The clinic parking lot was nearly empty. He pulled his truck close to the building, climbed out, and strode through the main door. Lila was alone in the waiting room, watching the overhead TV. Her face looked pale and strained below the white bandage that circled her head, but she gave him a faint smile.
“Hello, Boss.” Tenderness and worry crept into his voice, betraying his emotions. “What do you say we get out of here?”
“Let’s go.” She stood, clutching her purse.
“Whoa.” He strode forward to steady her. “You look like you could blow over in a stiff breeze. How are you doing?”
“Better than my car. Sam showed me the pictures he took of it.”
“Sam was here?” Roper felt a surge of annoyance. Was it jealousy? He willed himself to ignore it. “Did Sam tell you that your brakes had been tampered with?”
“Yes. Somebody’s not playing by the rules. Three guesses who.”
“This isn’t a joke. Somebody wanted to kill you. They almost succeeded. I’m worried about you.” He held the door for her, supported her to the parking lot, and helped her into the truck.
“I’m worried about me, too. But I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them know it.” A grimace tightened her face as she reached around to fasten her seat belt. “I’ve called Mariah and asked her to prepare dinner. Everyone’s to be invited, including you and Sam.”
“Are you out of your mind?” he demanded. “You’re under a doctor’s orders to rest. This is the last thing you should be doing.”
“Which is exactly why I need to do it. They’ll think they’ve got me running scared. I need to show them they’re wrong.”
He started the truck and backed out of the parking slot. “You could overdo it and end up in the hospital. Listen to me. I’m trying to talk sense into you.”
“You know better than that, Roper,” she said, a teasing note in her voice. “Just be there for me. That’s all I ask.”
“What if I refuse to be a part of this crazy plan? Would that stop you?”
“No, but please don’t refuse. You’re the only one I can count on. The others, even Sam and Mariah . . .” Her words trailed off. “I never know what they’re thinking.” She settled back into the seat as if the conversation had exhausted her.
The sun sank lower in the sky. Distant clouds, drifting above the horizon, deepened from white to rose. Lila stirred and spoke.
“What’s being done about that killer animal?”
“Nobody’s seen it. But the cowboys will be guarding the steers again tonight. They’ll have strict orders to stay together.”
“And what about Darrin? Is he going to be with them this time?”
“Now here’s where it gets interesting. According to one of the cowboys, Darrin’s made a deal with Charlie Grishman to help him hunt down the beast. They plan to stake out a live goat as bait, hide and wait for the creature to show up, then blast it to kingdom come.”
“Well, for all our sakes, let’s hope it works. But why the deal? That animal belongs to Charlie—it has to. That’s the only explanation.”
“But Charlie has never admitted it. Maybe that was the deal—in exchange for his help, he’ll be held harmless for any damage the thing has done. Darrin’s a lawyer. He knows all the angles.”
“And what about Simone? I know she hates being alone at night.”
“Evidently she’s going to stay in the bungalow with her mother-in-law.”
“Good. Then she’ll be there for dinner.”
“You’re really going through with this crazy plan?”
“It’s that or hide in my room. I can’t let them think they’ve scared me.”
“And are you scared?”
“I’m petrified. But they don’t have to know that.”