Page 11 of Pretty Evil
“That bag is now safely back at home. This bag...” She nods to the one on the floor. “I picked this one up in Duty Free. It’s amazing what people leave lying around, you know.”
She grins and there is one big red flag waving at me because I was right to trust my instincts.
“Who are you and don’t say Mae Grayson, because I simply don’t believe you?”
She laughs out loud.
“If I told you, it would strip away the fun.”
I shake my head. “I will find out. It’s only a matter of time.”
“It will make no difference.” She sighs. “I am nobody, Alexei. Just a woman heading off to visit her mom. You won’t see me again and if my family discover I was here with you, I apologize about that but well, I have a feeling you can handle yourself and as this plane has taken off there is nothing you can do to avoid it.”
She shrugs. “Like I said, you disappoint me, Alexei, because you really should know who you are dealing with before you bring them into your life.”
Her words should alarm me but I’m the arrogant bastard who believes he is invincible and so I rest my lips against hers and hiss, “Then bring it on, tiger and if I’m going down, it’s on you first.”
The way her eyes widen and her chest heaves scores me a minor victory because whoever she is, she’s here now. In my arms and preparing to be ruined by me and if anyone should be afraid right now, it’s her.
I move in for another leisurely kiss, but she averts her head. “Not here.”
“Why not?”
“Because I will not be considered another notch on this bed post.”
She turns those incredible eyes to mine, and they flash as she whispers, “I’m guessing you have fucked many companions in this bed. I will not be one of them. I deserve better.”
“So, what did you have in mind?”
“A tour of this incredible plane would be a start a guess and after I could make my decision based on having all the facts.”
“Then consider me your tour guide, tiger.”
I reach out and take her slender hand in mine and pull her up to join me.
As we leave the cabin, she laughs softly. “Do you always prowl around half naked?”
I shrug. “I’m sparing your blushes and pulled on my pants this time.”
I wink and she laughs softly, an act that completely changes her. I stare in amazement as her features soften and transform before my eyes. Her eyes sparkle and her white teeth gleam as she relaxes for the first time since we met.
Now she has ditched the baseball cap, her hair shines like polished metal and hangs low down her back like a sheet of black silk. I am itching to run it through my fingers but resist for my own sanity because touching this woman has become an irresistible urge that I am losing the battle of.
“What is your name, pretty tiger?” I must know because Mae doesn’t suit her at all.
“Okay.” She shrugs. “I’ll give you that at least. It’s Serena.”
“That’s better.” I squeeze her hand. “I like it.”
“Thank you.” She grins, and it makes me smile. To be honest, everything about this woman makes me smile, even when she held a gun to my head. It makes me wonder about my reaction to her. Since she walked into the airport lounge, I was fascinated by her. A slight figure dressed in black, trying hard not to draw attention to herself. I’m guessing she could light up a dark room because she couldn’t deflect attention away from her if she tried.
We head toward the gym and as I open the door, she turns to me with an excited gasp. “You weren’t kidding. This is impressive.”
“It helps pass the time. Not only for me, but my fellow travelers too.”
She spins around and raises her eyes. “The men you surround yourself with?”