Page 6 of Pretty Evil
He was so good. Like every dark wish I’ve ever had.
He is different from every man I have ever met and yet is also the same. He is familiar in a way that should repel me but at the same time he is home. I know men like him. I understand men like him and I live with men like him.
Is he mafia? Russian mafia? Everything points that way, but if he is, where are his guards? He could be an enforcer and takes care of his own shit. He certainly looks as if he can but there is a polished arrogance about the man which tells me he is in charge.
Yes, I know him because he is the man I have been searching for my entire life.
We headout of the terminal onto the tarmac, and I note a car waiting with a man standing beside the open door, his mirrored shades disguising his solemn expression and the alert way he scans the area tells me I was right.
Fucking mafia. I knew it.
He nods as Alexei approaches and doesn’t even react when I join him and as we slide into the car, he slams the door and heads around to the front passenger seat.
I say nothing as the car heads toward the private area and as I stare out of the window, I note our original aircraft waiting patiently to leave. The hold is open, and the men are searching through the cases, which informs me that Alexei holds a certain kind of influence here.
I take it all in and, far from being afraid at what I’m doing, I’m impatient to get started.
We sit in silence as we head toward a sleek black jet with a silver insignia on the tail. I can’t make it out and say with interest, “Is that your company logo?”
“You could call it that.”
“What else would it be called? A logo’s a logo.”
I roll my eyes and he shrugs. “You are right, but you didn’t listen to the whole sentence.”
“Then explain.” I turn to face him, and he smirks.
“You asked me if it was my company logo. It’s my family one.”
“Family, as in a coat of arms type of thing?”
I’m interested, and he shakes his head. “I am no aristocrat, tiger. What I am is a member of the Romanov family. A Russian family with strong ties to the motherland. We are one of the most feared families in Russia and yet we are not criminals. We own a business that nobody messes with, but we keep within the law – to a point.” He winks and I say with curiosity, “What business?”
I’m intrigued, and he leans back and stares at me with a hard expression as he says evenly, “Mainly arms. We also own several banks, steel companies, oil refineries and deal in diamonds. Where there is money to be made, we are interested, and our empire is far reaching.”
He nods. “I am one of several Romanov men. I choose to conduct my business in America, occasionally traveling on business. I have several brothers and cousins who prefer to work in their own chosen field. Mine is diamonds.”
“Interesting.” I stare at the jet that isn’t far off the size of the one waiting to take us to Australia and I say with a smile, “Then I hope the problem has been fixed with your ride because I don’t want to make this journey my last.”
He laughs and I stare at him in surprise. That smile could set a convent alight. It completely transforms his rather stern features and as his face relaxes, it brings with it a beauty I never attributed to a man. The rough edges are softened and strangely compelling and I itch to run my fingers along his strong jaw. To gaze into his mysterious eyes and fall into his secrets, discovering what they are and deciding whether they are worth my time or not.
Alexei Romanov.
Why have I never heard of him before?
The car pulls up beside the incredible jet and as the door opens, we step out into the brilliant sunshine.
The steps are covered in a black carpet, and I roll my eyes.
“That’s a little flash, if you don’t mind me saying, and totally pointless.”
“No, I don’t mind you saying but your words hold no weight with me.”
He turns and stares at me with a hard look of command that makes my knees almost buckle as he says harshly, “I don’t give a fuck what you think about my choices and if want to act like an arrogant jerk with my money, I will.”
Now it’s my turn to laugh out loud and for a second he stares at me in much the same way I did at him.