Page 79 of Pretty Evil
“Okay, Laura, what’s the big news? Please say you’ve got yourself a man at last, but not Oscar Calahan. That dude is bad news.”
I hate that my heart leaps at the mention of the guy my heart can’t unattach itself from. My high school crush who decided to give me a chance one night at a frat party. I was in love, he was in lust, and it didn’t end well for me.
“It’s not him.” I shake my head, hating the pity on their faces.
“No, it’s way more exciting than that.”
“You got laid at last,” Gemma says hopefully and this time I roll my eyes.
“I wish you would get over this obsession with my sex life. I’m happy being single and preparing for my future as a cat lady.”
“Then tell us already, because I’m bursting over here.”
Brittany leans forward, her eyes alight with interest.
I take a deep breath and say with pride. “I’ve got a job.”
They stare at me in amazement.
“A job?” Gemma sounds slightly disappointed about that.
“Is that it? A freaking job. I’ve got two, and it’s hardly breaking news.”
“Yes, but it’s not just a job, it’sthejob.”
“I don’t understand. A job’s a job.”
Brittany stares moodily into her coffee. “Why is that exciting?”
I play my trump card.
“Because it’s as the personal assistant of Troy Remington.”
Now I have their attention.
Gemma whistles and Brittany claps her hands with excitement.
“Wow! That is news.” Her eyes shine. “Troy Remington, huh? The most eligible bachelor in Chicago, Troy Remington. The heir to billions and so drop dead gorgeous he could model underwear on the runway at Paris fashion week, Troy Remington.”
“The Troy Remington who could burn a woman’s panties off with one lustful glare from his turbulent dirty eyes Troy Remington?” Gemma says wistfully, and it makes me giggle.
“Yes. I told you I had news.”
“This is life changing, Laura.”
Gemma’s eyes are so wide it’s strangely comical and Brittany sighs dreamily. “Imagine your one on ones with him. Make sure you wear a short skirt and no panties. Cross your legs several times and flutter your eyelashes.”
“Yes and lean over his desk and ask if he likes his coffee hot, as you flash him your cleavage.” Gemma giggles and it makes me laugh out loud.
“He’s probably got a girlfriend. Guys like that always do.”
“Or a boyfriend.” Brittany giggles and Gemma says with a sigh. “No. That man fucks women before breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I’ve stalked him online so much I’m surprised I haven’t had a visit from the cops with a restraining internet order.”
“Me too.” I giggle. “When my agency called and told me I was in line for the job, I stalked the hell out of him and I don’t mind telling you, I had a few hot nights imagining what it would be like.”
“What do you mean and please say hot sex over his desk?” Brittany giggles and I nod.
“Of course. That man is so hot he could boil this coffee with one look alone.”