Page 38 of Born Evil
Troy drives as expected.Fast, controlled and as if he owns the road. We weave in and out of the traffic and I admire his expert skills. Then again, I wouldn’t expect any different from him. He is one impressive man.
I am suffering from imposter syndrome in a very big way, and even the clothes I’m wearing aren’t my own. I have ditched any principles I had for a shot at a wild adventure, and I couldn’t give a fuck about my family, what’s right, or the future. I’m living in the moment now and right now I’m having a blast.
We reachScarlett’s and Troy pulls up on the red carpet right in front of the potted trees decked in fairy lights.
“You can’t park it here.” I hiss, cowering in my seat in case the cops are passing.
His low chuckle makes me snap, “I’m not kidding, Troy.”
“Relax, it’s valet parking.”
I feel like such a fool and huff, “I knew that, it’s just, well, you told me nobody but you get to drive your woman. Did you lie to me?”
I am triumphant as he holds up his hands. “I did say that, but valet parking doesn’t count.”
“Says the man who appears to make up the rules as he goes along.”
I roll my eyes as the door opens and a uniformed valet says respectfully, “Welcome to Scarlett’s.”
I smile and make to take his hand and Troy snarls, “Wait there.”
The guy steps back and I watch as Troy chucks him the keys and then reaches in and tugs me out of the car.
“As I said–” He whispers in my ear.
“Only I get to touch my woman.”
The shiver that runs down my spine is the most delicious sensation in the world because even though this is pretend, I love the sense of ownership he is demonstrating. I wonder what it would be like if I was really his. Stifling, I guess, and yet more pleasure than a woman could stand.
As we walk into the restaurant a flash of light distracts me and Troy slides his arm around my waist and pulls me tight against his side, kissing my cheek and whispering, “Smile for the camera, darling, you’ll be heating up the internet in a few minutes.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.”
Despite my words, I paste on my best selfie face just in case and smile as if I’m the luckiest woman in the world. To be honest, right now I am and it’s not hard to look as if I’m the cat who got a truck load of cream.
Things are falling into place nicely. Laura has agreed to my terms. I get a new pa who is actually qualified for the job and our photograph will be all over the internet and the subject of much discussion in the Vieri stronghold.
Many people would be freaking out at mafia attention, but I know I have the backing of The Dark Lords who are weary of their founder pulling the strings. We held a secret ballot and unanimously voted to remove the entire family and threatening to blow their sordid past into the stratosphere will bring them down and ruin the holy image Killian Vieri is trying so hard to cultivate.
If they take matters into their own hands, The Dark Lords will have enough evidence to send them to prison for life, and I am using Laura as a bargaining chip to enable them to go gracefully.
No prison terms. No public shaming, just to step down and retire and their secret will be safe with me. Until then, she is in my care and will be unavailable to them. That is my intention, and she is already a willing prisoner in my gilded cage.
As always, the place is packed and as we follow the head waiter to my usual table, I wonder what poor couple lost their reservation tonight because of me. I never dwell long on what my money and reputation can buy me. It’s the way of the world because it’s always who you know and not what you know.
Talking of who you know, we are stopped by a familiar face who says loudly, “Troy, how it’s going?”
Ordinarily, I would just nod politely and pass, but I was going to call him tomorrow anyway, so I stop and nod respectfully.
“Good evening, Marshall, Nicole.” I smile at his wife and say, “Please allow me to introduce my girlfriend, Laura.”
Laura appears shocked to hear that out loud and yet recovers quickly and smiles, “I’m pleased to meet you.”
She has a warmness to her personality that appears to put them at ease, and Nicole stares at her as if she’s a rare creature in a zoo and says quickly, “My goodness. I never thought I’d see the day. You must be an amazing young woman to have snared this eligible bachelor.”