Page 48 of Born Evil
“No, you wouldn’t.”
I cut the call, my thoughts turning to murderous ones when I consider the guy who used my Laura. He is about to discover that I play dirty, and his bright new career is never going to happen. Any women he approaches won’t be around for a second date and the only place he will soon call home is the streets.
The sunlight kisses me awake and as I stretch my body, reminds me I went hard on it last night. As each delicious memory revisits me, a smile accompanies it. I loved what happened and nothing can persuade me otherwise. I don’t care what this is, as long as it happens daily and as I open my eyes, I stare at the empty space beside me.
It’s cold, as if Troy never slept here at all, and that concerns me a lot.
I step naked from the bed and grab the sheet to wrap around me like a toga and head out to search for him, hoping he hasn’t left me here while he went to work.
This place is seriously impressive as I take in the décor of a designer’s finest triumph.
Nothing appears to have moved since it was put in place. The walls are neutral, with only the odd painting hanging proudly against the blank walls. The furniture is huge and magnificent and are statement pieces more than anything.
As I wander through the immense space, it’s as if I’ve stumbled into Midas’s palace. How much money does a person need to earn to live like this?
I check the rooms and each one is as decadent as the last and as I push open another door, I find myself in what appears to be his den.
I see Troy’s figure slumped on his seat and his heavy breathing alerts me that he slept here at his desk. He is wearing nothing but a towel that has already fallen to his feet and I’m concerned about how cold he must be.
I note the computer flickering on a screensaver and stare with interest at the family photograph looking back at me. They must be his parents. A man who looks a lot like Troy is staring fondly at a beautiful woman. She has her hand on the shoulder of a small boy who I would pick out in a lineup because there he is. My angry, surly boss, who appears to have been born that way.
I love his dark, stormy eyes as he pouts at the camera, no doubt under duress to be there at all.
He is holding the hand of a younger pretty girl, with blonde curly hair and startling green eyes. She is holding the hand of a younger boy with impudent eyes and a wicked grin. He resembles their mother with a distinctively beautiful face, unusual on a male, but makes him both angelic and a demon at the same time.
The entire family is irresistible and as Troy stirs, I place my hand on his shoulder and whisper, “Hey.”
He sits up and opens heavy eyes and stares at me in confusion.
I slide onto his lap, the sheet falling to the ground, and lean forward, brushing my lips against his in a rare show of bravery.
His hand reaches out and twirls my hair in his fingers and he smiles so sexily it makes my heart pant.
“Morning gorgeous. Did you sleep well?”
“Better than you, apparently.”
He nods, running his fingers through his tousled hair and grunts, “I worked all night so I could take today off.”
“Why?” I’m a little shocked and he grins.
“To take my woman shopping.”
“Are you referring to me, or someone or something else? Your car perhaps?” I tease and he whispers against my lips, “There is only one woman in my life, and I have an overwhelming need to be inside her right now.”
His cock is huge and pressing against my stomach and I whisper, “Allow me to perform my first duty of the day.”
I shift slightly and slide on home, staring into his eyes as he claims me inch by delicious inch.
He holds my arms and thrusts upwards, causing me to bear down on him to deepen the penetration.
“Fuck, Laura.” He groans as my breasts rub against his chest and my teeth graze his ear.