Page 62 of Born Evil
As expected, the cab takes me to the harbor and drops me to the pontoon where the biggest boat in the marina is moored. It’s all black and gleams in the sunlight like a deadly missile, ready and more than capable of taking the enemy out. In this case, it’s taking me to my damnation, and I swallow hard as I see the evidence of what I stupidly tried to take on.
Men in black are everywhere, their mirrored shades hiding their expressions. They are dressed for the climate in black polos and shorts and as I approach, one of them stops me from entering.
“Troy Remington.” He asks and I nod as he runs a machine over my body, apparently searching for weapons. Then, he takes my bag and hands it to another man, who heads off into the boat, no doubt to search every corner of it.
He stands aside and says roughly, “You may board.”
He must think I’m foolish as I step onto their boat with no means of protection and not even a bodyguard to do it for me. I am making a statement. I come in peace, and I want to leave with my life, so I’ll do everything they tell me to.
I’m a businessman, not a thug, and my intention was to use manipulation rather than bullets to remove them from my life.
I was a fool. I realize that now and as I should have expected, they were always walking in front of me and guiding me to my downfall.
Yes, I am a fool for ever believing I could take them on, but out of my foolishness came great rewards because if this pans out, I will be the one who has won the biggest prize of all. Laura.
We set off and I appreciate the trappings of crime as I stare around me. The stewards are making me feel welcome, even though dark menace surrounds me. Dressed in white, these men are here to make me comfortable and ply me with refreshment and make certain I have everything I need.
It takes about thirty minutes before I see an island rising majestically out of the water. I stare in wonder as it sparkles like a jewel in the ocean, and I understand why Don Vieri retired here. I say retired. He is still firmly in charge of all his assets and faculties, but he prefers to run them from here, which I don’t blame him for.
I should never have underestimated him. There is a reason he is still alive, despite playing with fire for his entire life. He demands respect and has earned the right to. I only hope he accepts my apology because suddenly shit has got very real.
I notethe welcoming committee as I disembark, consisting of many soldiers who are guarding their fortress well. This island is protected and I’m about to meet its king. I have a strange fascination for that because I’ve heard many stories about his life that he hides well behind a polite smile and a hard handshake.
Aside from his sons, I know very little about the man behind the myth, despite having met him several times before. Never like this, though. Never behind the fortress, he hides in, and I swallow the nerves as I prepare to explain my actions.
I am guided to a terrace where a table is laid for lunch. The plates are empty and the cutlery sparkling, and a jug of lemonade sits in the middle, surrounded by crystal glasses.
It is placed under a canopy to hold the burning sun at bay and the man I have come to see is watching me through dark, disturbing eyes.
He is not alone.
On either side of him are his grandsons. A wall of menace guaranteed to give any visitor an instant heart attack.
There are no others present and I wonder where my sister is. Hopefully alive and I don’t even want to contemplate the alternative, so I step forward with a respectful, “Good day, Don Vieri, Mr. Vieri.”
I nod to each of them in turn and Don Vieri considers me with a dark expression. He is giving nothing away and he has obviously taught his grandsons well because they remain impassive, but I doubt that’s true inside.
He says in his deep, husky voice.
“Welcome to Serenita, Mr. Remington. Allow me to offer you some refreshment.”
“You are most kind.” I say, as he pours some lemonade into a glass for all of us.
It’s much needed as the heat from the day prickles against my back and it’s not the only thing causing the sweat to run a river down my back.
“You requested a meeting.”
He says simply, leaning back and studying me through enigmatic eyes.
“I did.” I nod and take a deep breath, attempting to disguise my nerves.
“I had word that my sister is visiting. I’m concerned for her.”
He says nothing and his grandsons aren’t making this any easier. If anything, I sense their disapproval and I’m especially mindful of the chaotic mad eyes of the younger grandson. His reputation precedes him as a man who enjoys inflicting pain,which makes him the right man for the job as the controller of their mafia empire.
Don Vieri leans forward and stares straight into my eyes.
“You may see your sister after we clear up a few things first.”