Page 65 of Born Evil
“Yes.” He rolls his eyes. “Lucky me.”
“Did you also kidnap Melissa, or seduce her? I still can’t work out your involvement with her.”
He shakes his head. “I’ve never met her.”
I stare at him in surprise because Troy said she had left on this very plane to Italy.
“That was my brother, Apollo.”
Adonis chuckles softly.
“I got you and he got the sister. He had a lot more fun than me, though. Sometimes shit happens and our targets become emotionally involved.”
“You mean he seduced her?” I stare at him in disappointment because poor Melissa. She must be feeling terrible.
Adonis shrugs. “I’m not saying he doesn’t like her. Apollo is a little more open with his emotions than I am. I’m guessing they had a good time and now it’s over. He was told to remove her to Serenita and wait for the fireworks.”
I am angry on her behalf and hiss, “You used her.”
He holds up his hands. “It’s nothing new. Troy used you; you did the same to him and me to a point. We all use the best weapons we have at our disposal, and we do it to win. As I said, it’s better not to have feelings. They only get in the way of a perfectly well-executed plan.”
I don’t know what to think about this and wonder if I can really exist in this world. It’s too, well, brutal and I’m seriously considering my options. I’m not even sure I want to meet my family and consider asking Adonis to turn this plane around because I’m not ready to open a box that may contain the bones of my sanity.
The silence drags on as they consider what I said and then Shade breaks it with a rough, “How do we know you’re not using her to save your own ass?”
The other two stare at me with interest as I shake my head. “You don’t but I’m a man of my word and I’m telling the truth. I am morally respectable and when I say something, I mean it.”
I shrug. “I came here to make things right. You have my sister and I have your granddaughter and cousin.”
“So, you want to trade?” Killian raises his eyes and I shake my head. “I want to keep them both.”
To my surprise, Don Vieri laughs out loud and slams his hand down on the table.
“You speak as if you’re a Vieri.”
He turns to Killian. “What do you think?”
Killian shrugs. “I say give him a chance.”
“And you?” He turns to Shade who shakes his head.
“I say no.”
Don Vieri smirks.
“Then the deciding vote is mine.”
He leans forward. “I will think about it. You must prove your loyalty first. Words are meaningless without actions to back them up. Your sister remains here.”
My blood heats but I realize I have no ammunition left. Melissa’s fate is in my hands and who knows how long that will take?
Don Vieri stands, and his sons follow. It signifies an end to our discussion and as I stand too, he nods to one of the soldiers.