Page 75 of Born Evil
“He’ll take you home.”
I turn and say roughly, “You’re taking her home, right?”
Adonis steps forward and his expression gives nothing away as he nods, “Of course.”
I turn back to Melissa, who is staring at him with a troubled expression in her eyes, and I whisper, “I trust him, Melissa. He won’t let anything happen to you. Go with him and wait for me at home. Harrison is there and I’ll be back soon. Just stay safe and visit mom.”
“Don’t worry about me, Troy.”
She smiles bravely. “I can look after myself.”
The guard who came with her steps forward and says abruptly, “We must go. The boat is leaving.”
Melissa kisses my cheek and whispers, “Go and get your woman, Troy. I have every faith in you.”
It’s hard to leave my sister, but I trust the man who will take her home. He was good to Laura, and there is no reason to think he won’t do the same for my sister.
As she moves away from me, I stare at him and say respectfully, “I’m trusting you with my heart, Adonis. Look after her.”
He nods and holds out his hand. As I grasp his iron fist, I’m fearful for my bones as he crushes it hard and says in his deep voice, “Your sister will be safe with me.”
I don’t even doubt that for a second, which is strange considering who he is, and I turn back to Melissa and hug her hard, whispering, “I love you, sis, and I’ll be home before you know it.”
The guard moves to the edge of the boat and Adonis steps forward, signaling our time is up and as I walk away from my sister, I don’t look back because now there is only one person on my mind. The woman I must fight to keep.
This is awkward as fuck. I’m not going to lie. I’m freaking terrified right now.
I am sitting in Don Vieris’ den in a leather chair absolutely surrounded by menace. It’s as if I’ve stumbled into Satan’s lair and his demons want a piece of me.
The fact it’s like looking in a fucking mirror isn’t lost on me as two men and one woman stare at me as if they’re sizing up their next meal.
My grandfather and grandmother are watching the scene with interest as I meet my cousins for the first time.
I’m finding it hard to even look at them and the girl says softly, “Well, I’m glad you’re here, Laura. It’s evened up the odds and I’m not the only girl anymore.”
She smiles warmly and I am so grateful for that. The older man nods and says in a deep, husky voice, “You are welcome here anytime, Laura. We are your family, and you have nothing to fear from us.”
I nod, but words are not my friend right now. Then the scariest one of them all moves across and crouches down before me, staring me right in the eye as he whispers, “Sorry about the theatrics. You’ll get used to it.”
It’s weird the way he is staring at me. It’s so intense and then he says over his shoulder, “She looks like Serena.”
He smiles and, to my surprise, reaches out and pulls me in for a hug. At least I think that’s his intention and as his arms wrap around me like a serpent, he whispers, “You’re not on your own anymore. You’re one of us, and that comes with a lifetime guarantee.”
I’m shocked when he kisses me on both cheeks and says with a wink, “Of my protection.”
Serena says drily, “You’ll get used to him, Laura. Just thank God you escaped growing up with him around. I envy you that.”
He winks and glances over his shoulder at his sister.
“She loves me really, idolizes me, in fact. I am everyone’s favorite, and you will be no exception.”
He moves away and I catch my grandmother’s anxious expression and a little of my animosity slides away as my heart begins to thaw.
It’s as if I’m where I should have been all along. The resemblance to these people is comfortingly familiar. I finally understand and it’s as if I am the final puzzle piece in one that is apparently missing two of them.