Page 23 of Below the Surface
“I might never let you go.”
I hold my breath for a moment and kiss Cameron’s head. “I won’t let you go, Cameron. Not unless you ask me to.” I close my eyes as she settles firmly against me. No. I won’t let her go.
I love being with Piper. It gets harder to leave her every time we’re together. We plan to go to a party at Kelsey’s apartment tonight. I talk to Kelsey daily, but we haven’t seen each other in a few weeks. Something tells me this party is about more than getting some friends together. I’ll bet they’re buying a house. Kelsey has been talking about that for over a year, and I know she and Caleb have been saving for longer than that. I admit it makes me a little nervous—not the idea of Kelsey and Caleb buying property. Kelsey’s guest list sometimes leads to colorful conversation. I like all of Kelsey’s friends. Well, I likemostof them. There is Lila. She’s pursued me relentlessly for a few years. I’ve tried every approach in the book to let her know I’m uninterested. She always smiles and says, we’ll see. There is nothing to see—not for Lila.
I look up to find my assistant, Sheila, in the doorway. “Hey. Did I forget about a meeting or something?”
Sheila cringes.
“Uh-oh. I forgot something.”
“No. Jared Bennington called.”
I take a deep breath and exhale it slowly. Jared Bennington is more persistent than Lila. He’s not interested in pursuingme. He is determined to acquire my company. “What did he want?”
“Oh, something about the best offer you’ll ever get.”
I snort. Maybe he’s Lila’s twin. She’s tried that line on me several times. “Fat chance,” I say.
I grab my phone and text Piper quickly, letting her know I’ll see her at the party later. I hate changing our plans, but I need to handle this Jared Bennington situation. No isn’t a word that seems to be in his vocabulary. I’m tempted to have a stiff drink before I call Jared. If I start now, I’ll need a nap before Kelsey’s party begins. Sheila hands me a file as I grab my coat and head out the door. “Here are the papers you wanted to review for the Dever’s account.”
“Thanks, Sheila. You’re a lifesaver.”
I go to the coffee shop down the street, grab my latte, and find a quiet corner. As I skim through the documents, my mind wanders back to Piper. I can’t wait to see her tonight. I wish it could be a private affair. We had agreed to get ready at her house and head to the party together. I’m startled when my phone buzzes, and I answer with a smile. “Hi.”
“Meet me at the party?” Piper asks.
“I’m sorry, Piper. Jared called—again.”
“Tell him to go fuck himself.”
I laugh. “That probably would be the best offer he’s ever gotten.”
“Cam, do you want to sell the company?”
I’ve considered selling the business and starting something from scratch. I oversee things, but the company runs like clockwork. I was twenty-four when I started my company. Back then, I worked out of a cramped office in an old factory buildingwhere the stained ceiling tiles sagged, and the once-soft shag carpets were matted down and crunched under my feet like brittle leaves. But I didn’t care. That tiny corner belonged to me, and I promised myself I’d make enough money to renovate the entire building one day. Seven years later, I made good on my promise. Building something from the ground up appealed to me. Selling the fruits of my labor to Jared Bennington does not.
“You don’t want Jared to have it,” Piper says.
“Then you have your answer, and so does he. Cam?”
“It’s a lucrative offer, Piper. If anyone else made it, I’d jump. I don’t trust him with the staff.”
“Let it go for the weekend.”
“Is that an order?” I hear Piper inhale and realize it’s about to become an order.
“Yes,” Piper says. “Pack up and come to the house.”