Page 29 of Below the Surface
I take several deep breaths when Cameron walks into the bathroom to get dressed. The moment she emerged from her shower, standing in the bedroom, her hair curled to frame her face, her makeup so flawless it was barely detectable—I wanted her. The willpower required to restrain myself is a testament to my commitment to bring her pleasure. As our trust deepens and we explore new limits, I sense she’ll challenge my dominance. Her body trembled as my hand connected with her backside. The lustful haze in her eyes fueled my desire to claim her completely. But I know the frustration of holding back will heighten our pleasure when we return from Kelsey's party.I welcome a few minutes to regain my focus.
Cameron emerges from the bathroom in a deep red dress that fits her like a glove, and I can’t help but feel grateful Kelsey made this a cocktail party rather than an informal beer fest. I don’t care about the reason behind Kelsey and Caleb’s party. My sole purpose is being with Cameron. She looks at me with a mixture of excitement and hesitation. This will be the first scenewe play that has a public component, and the first time we reveal our relationship to the world. Kelsey knows we’ve been seeing each other. I haven’t elaborated on my time with Cameron, and I’m sure Cameron has avoided the subject as much as possible with Kelsey. I know Kelsey hoped Cam and I would get together. I think she expected we would casually date, or perhaps, I would indulge some latent sexual fantasy for Cameron. Ultimately, I think Kelsey hopes being with me opens Cameron up to attending the club she frequents. There’s no question Cameron has a kinky side. What’skinkyto one person can seem vanilla to another. I’ve met a handful of people who think anything beyond heterosexual, missionary position sex is kinky. God help them. But they do exist. Kelsey can’t accept that not everyone wants to be asopenabout their sexuality or sexual proclivities as her. I don’t believe Kelsey imagined Cameron and I would fall in love. And I am head over heels in love with Cameron Kelly.
“Piper?” Cameron calls to me. “Are you okay?”
“I slipped away for a minute, didn’t I?”
Cameron nods. She steps up to me and lifts her hand to my cheek. “What is it? Second thoughts?”
“No second thoughts aboutanything,Cam. Quite the opposite.”
She shakes her head slightly.
“I’m not living up to my role this evening,” I say.
“Oh, I wouldn’t saythat. Piper? Talk to me.”
The concern and affection painting Cameron’s irises leaves me breathless. There are many moments when I take the lead in our relationship—situations when Cam needs to relinquish her control and be free without trying to put things in order—things including her feelings. But our relationship is a partnership—give and take. I lift my hands to hold her face and kiss her.
“I love you.”
“I love you.” Cameron searches my gaze.
“That’s what I was thinking when you walked into the room, Cam—how much I love you.”
A smile stretches Cameron’s lips. “It’s the red dress, isn’t it?”
I laugh. “It’s the whole package,” I tell her. “Now—how doyoufeel?”
“Are we talking about the party, how muchIlove you, or the fact that you’ve made it likely I will be on my feet for the entire party?”
I grin. She still has a lot to learn. I lean close and whisper in her ear. “Oh, Cam. No. You’ll be sitting formostof the party.” I hear her slight gasp, step back, and wink at her. “Get your bag,” I say as I head for the door. “I’ll drive.”
Watching Cameron attempt to behave normally is as amusing as it I know it will become arousing for us both. She squirmed in the car so much I almost laughed. It’s a new experience for her. I have been in her seat—literally. Having an object inside you while you engage in public activities is a strange experience. I place my hand at the small of her back and guide her to Kelsey’s front door. Her posture stiffens. I slide my hand to her backside and lean close to whisper in her ear. “Breathe, Cam.” My hand caresses her ass. “Every time you move tonight, you’ll wonder what’s next, andwhomight notice your excitement.” A tiny whimper escapes Cameron’s lips. I open the door and guide Cameron inside.
“Cam!” Kelsey calls out.
“Breathe,” I whisper again.
“Hi,” Cameron says.
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Kelsey says. “Everyone’s in the kitchen.”
Cameron’s hand slips into mine, and she squeezes firmly. I want Cameron to experience the thrill of maintaining composure amid discomfort and self-consciousness. It begs Cameron to keep control, while obeying my authority. It’s a heady mixture of competing sensations and emotions. I’ve been on both ends—no pun intended—of the situation. Each time Cameron moves, she receives a reminder of my control and a silent command to maintain hers. Pushing past discomfort, whether emotional or physical, is part of discovery and self-acceptance. I’m confident Cameron wants this as much, if not more than me, but I never want to push her beyond vexation into distress.
“Let me put your jackets in the bedroom,” Kelsey offers.
“No,” I say, seeing an opportunity to check in with Cameron. “We know where it is. Besides, we were stuck on the freeway with all the construction. I don’t know about Cam, but I could use a pit stop before we start with the merriment.”
“Oh, yeah—of course,” Kelsey says.
I pull Cameron into the bedroom, take her coat, and toss it with mine onto the growing pile on Kelsey and Caleb’s bed. I glance out the door and close it. “Cam? Are you okay?”