Page 31 of Below the Surface
Cameron takes a shaky breath and musters a smile.
"I'm sorry, I've been preoccupied,” Kelsey apologizes.
"Do you mean tonight or lately?" Cameron asks Kelsey.
"Fair," Kelsey says. She looks at me and then back at Cameron. "But you've been a bit preoccupied, too."
I let my hand fall onto Cameron's thigh and her hand finds mine.
Kelsey lifts a brow as she looks at us. "You two seem cozy."
Cameron shifts on the stool and blushes.
"I should thank you," I tell Kelsey.
"Should you?"
"Mm. For suggesting I get to know Cameron better," I say.
Kelsey grins. "And how is that going?"
It surprises me when Cameron answers.
"I'd say finding the love of your life qualifies as going well," she says.
I look at her, stunned, and suddenly incredibly emotional. Kelsey was about to give us a hard time or play thirteen-thousand questions. Cameron shut it down in an instant. "Don't look so surprised," she tells me.
For a moment, I forget all about this evening's scene, about making love, playfulness, Kelsey, parties, or anything in the universe. I lean close and kiss Cameron. "I love you, too, Cam."
Kelsey clears her throat. "And here I thought you two were hibernating in Piper's Den of Desire."
I smile at Cameron and turn back to Kelsey. "Den of Desire?" I ask.
"Sounded better than Playground of Pain," Kelsey replies.
I groan.
"Don't tell me you haven't let Cameron in on your secret," Kelsey says.
Cameron is my everything. I never hold back the truth from her, but there are parts of my past that I haven't shared yet. Perhaps it's time to open up about my time at Union. It's not something I'm ashamed of, in fact, it's shaped me into who I am today. My relationship with Cameron is the most important thing in my life. I’m not sure I realized that clearly until now. The way we surprise each other and the passion we share leaves me breathless. And if she ever tells me she needs or desires something different, I will do whatever I can to make that work. Cameron surprises me again when she addresses Kelsey.
"Let it go, Kels," Cameron says. "I don't care about Piper's nicknames or what she did with someone before me."
"I'm only teasing you," Kelsey says.
"No," Cameron replies. I can feel her anger simmering beneath her cool exterior. "No, you aren'tteasingme. You're baiting me. Is that why you wanted us here?" she asks." Are you trying to prove something to your friends?"
"What are you talking about?" Kelsey asks.
"Cam," I whisper, trying to calm her fury. It doesn't work.
"You," Cameron says. "I confided to you about my feelings a long time ago. That doesn't mean I want to follow your path. I'm not you, Kelsey. And Piper isn't Caleb."
"Oh, no. Piper isfarmore experienced than Caleb."
That does it. "Enough," I say. If Kelsey wants to see my dominant side emerge, she just got her wish. I stand and face her. "That's enough, Kelsey." I feel Cameron's hand grab onto mine and turn to her. "Relax, Cam," I say. "Sip your drink. I'll be right back." I grab Kelsey's arm and pull her into the hallway.
"Oh, there she is," Kelsey nearly purrs when we're alone.