Page 35 of Below the Surface
“You’ve been part of the most important things in my life. I guess I wish you could be part of all of them.”
I raise my brow and smirk.
“Ew! Okay! Maybe notallof them.”
I chuckle and then sober. “It’s not me who felt uncomfortable earlier. I thought it would be,” I admit. “Piper’s uneasiness isn’t because she’s afraid to tell me things, Kelsey.”
“You really love her.”
“More than I thought I could love someone.”
Kelsey smiles.
“Tell me what this party is about.”
“Caleb and I are buying Union,” she says.
I blink a few times. “You’re purchasing a club?”
“I know—unexpected.”
Kelsey is one of the most intelligent people I know. I confess, I never envisioned her owning a business. She’s an accountant,so she has many of the basic skills required to manage a business, but owning one? And I can’t picture Caleb running a company. I continue to wonder how their dynamic works. Caleb has always struck me as impulsive, which seems at odds with taking control. The last thing I want to do is rain on Kelsey’s parade, but I admit, bright flashing warning lights are going off in my head.
“It’s something we both want, Cam.”
“And that’s why you were pushing Piper’s buttons?”
“That wasn’t my intention. Piper is—people respect her,” Kelsey explains. “Look, I already caused issues tonight. Piper’s right. It isn’t my place to tell you about her past.”
“Do you mean to tell me people sought Piper as a mistress?”
Kelsey’s jaw drops.
I shrug. “Do you think that surprisesme?” I laugh. “Seriously, Kelsey? Believe me, I get it.”
“We could use your help—both of you.”
“All you need to do is ask,” I say.
I feel Piper’s hand on my shoulder and reach with my free hand to hold it. “I may never be part ofthatscene—clubs and public displays. I can still help you with the business in the background.” I see Kelsey ready to speak and shoot her a warning glance. “We’re your friends, Kelsey.Ask.Icanread between the lines. Having Piper at the club would help you establish a positive reputation.”
“Yes, it would,” Kelsey says.
I squeeze Piper’s hand and feel the warmth of her touch as her thumb gently circles mine. “Then you need toaskherprivately, Kelsey—or ask us. We’ll discuss it. That’s what couples do.”
I feel the reassuring squeeze of Piper’s hand, grounding me in the present moment. I don’t need to look at her to know she’s having an emotional reaction to my words. She will never ask meto put myself in a situation that causes me lasting pain or trauma—physically or emotionally. I’m not sure she realizes I don’t expect her to sacrifice everything she wants for me.
“Understood,” Kelsey says. “I am sorry, Cam.”
“I know.” I let go of Piper’s hand and take Kelsey’s. “Next time,ask.”
Kelsey nods, looks at Piper, and smiles. “I should make some rounds.”
“Yes. You should,” Piper tells her. She moves to my side and sits on the stool beside me. “Sorry about that,” she says.
“Sorry?” I lean close and kiss Piper’s cheek. “Nothing to be sorry about.” I lean close. “Mistress Trinity,” I whisper.