Page 11 of Borgaz
It was on the tip of his tongue to offer his assistance, but she was not his responsibility - nor had she given any indication that she would welcome his help. He had also made a commitment to Temel to assist in his project, not spend his time with an ungrateful little female.
He gave a non-committal grunt, then asked about the history of the valley. She relaxed again as she talked, her body soft and warm against his, the setting sun catching sparks of gold in her brown hair, and despite the throbbing ache of his cock, he was more content than he had been for a very long time. So content that he frowned as the main house came into view, half-tempted to turn away and continue the ride. But Temel had requested his presence, and Mary wanted to see her friend.
The big white house had a welcoming golden glow, light streaming out onto the porch as Temel opened the front door. His face was as expressionless as always, but Borgaz knew him well enough to see the assessing look he cast Mary and the question in his gaze as he turned to him.
“I’m glad you were able to make it back, along with your companion.”
He swung down from the horse, then turned to assist Mary. She was already following, and her body pressed briefly against his as he caught her. He heard her quick startled breath as his erection rubbed against her stomach, and quickly stepped aside.
“This is Mary,” he said gruffly. “She claims that Harkan’s mate offered to let her return to parents’ farm.”
“It’s not a claim - it’s a fact,” she snapped, the pretty pink on her cheeks fading as she gave him an irritated look. “I have her letter in my pocket if you need to see it.”
The last remark was addressed to Temel, but he was already shaking his head.
“That is not necessary. I was already aware of the offer, although she thought perhaps you didn’t wish to take advantage of it since it has been some time since she wrote to you.”
“You see?” she muttered to him, before turning back to Temel with an apologetic smile. “I’m afraid I’ve moved quite a lot over the past few years. It took some time for her letter to find me.”
Temel bowed courteously, his educated background surfacing. “I am glad that it did. Your friend and her mate are already inside if you wish to join them.”
“Of course. That is…” She looked over at him with an unreadable expression, then nodded abruptly. “I can’t wait to see her.”
She headed up the porch steps without a backwards glance, her luscious ass swaying provocatively in her tight-fitting pants. He took a half-step after her, then turned to face his commander, relieved that the other male was watching him rather than Mary.
“I have a sudden suspicion that your survey did not proceed very far,” Temel said dryly.
“No. The foolish female intends to reside in a house that is clearly not suitable. I made some minor repairs to make sure that it was at least relatively safe, although I still do not think it is appropriate. Perhaps she should stay -” He started to say that she could remain with them, but reconsidered, disliking the thought of sharing her company with the three other males. “Perhaps she should stay with Rosie.”
“I’m sure she’s capable of deciding that for herself.”
Despite Temel’s mild tone, his gaze was uncomfortably discerning, and Borgaz was glad that his skin did not reveal his emotions the way his female’s did.
“I doubt it, but it is none of my concern.” He took the horse’s reins, fighting the urge to follow Mary instead. “I will stable the horse and then join you.”
“No need to hurry. Harkan’s mate and Kalpar are discussing the correct preparation of a meat dish in extensive detail.”
He returned Temel’s smile. Kalpar approached food preparation with the same degree of intensity that he did a tactical plan - no doubt it would be a lengthy discussion.
“Thank you for the warning. I will take my time.”
He took the horse to the stables at the rear of the house, doing his best to focus on the task as he fought the urge to hurry back to Mary’s side. Once the stallion was fed and watered and stabled, he went to the back of the house and stood on the porch outside the kitchen, gazing out over the quiet grounds. The lights from the main house cast golden pools of light into the darkness, the outbuildings heavy shadows against the last faint glow of the sky as night fell. The only sounds were the soft whisper of the breeze and the faint chirping of some night-dwelling insect. The peaceful atmosphere should have soothed him, but instead restlessness tugged at him.
Laughter sounded from behind him and he looked through the window to see Mary laughing, her face animated and her hands waving as she talked to Harkan’s mate. She looked… happy, happier than she had been all day. She belonged here, just as he belonged with his fellow warriors. Once he made sure her farm was safe, he would move on.
His hand fisted on the railing as he once more considered abandoning his mission. Would it really be so terrible to allow Temel to arrange things on his own? There was no doubt that he would do a thorough job, but perhaps -
“She seems like a delightful female.”
Temel had silently come up beside him, nodding as he too surveyed the kitchen’s occupants.
“Delightful” was not how he would have described her. Intriguing, stubborn, exasperating -
“Have you told her about your injuries?”
“No.” He scowled. “And I don’t have any. My injuries have all healed.”
Temel gave him that same penetrating look, but he didn’t argue, even as Borgaz looked away. He had told him of his nightmares once, but it had been long ago and he’d never mentioned it again. He should have known that his commander would remember.