Page 36 of Borgaz
She crossed her arms and glared at him.
“Because of what happened between us?”
He looked so horrified that some of her anger faded.
“Of course not. Well, in a way. I don’t like waking up alone, especially after we’ve been… intimate.”
He visibly flinched, more than he had when the shelf hit him.
“It is not a good idea for me to remain with you.”
“Why not?”
“I am a… restless sleeper.”
The explanation sounded weak to her, but he was clearly troubled by the idea. She sighed, the last of her anger disappearing.
“Couldn’t we at least try?”
He hesitated, then slowly dipped his head.
“I will consider it.”
Even that seemed torn from him so she decided to let it drop.
“Are you leaving again?”
“No, I’m all yours.”
If only that were true. Her heart ached but she forced a smile.
“In that case, let’s see what we can do about getting the greenhouse ready. The seedlings are almost ready for transplanting.”
He nodded and they set to work. They usually tackled separate projects, but they quickly fell into an easy rhythm. It was… nice working with him, she decided, but it also made her more conscious of how much she had missed him earlier. If there was any hope for a future between them, she was going to have to get to the bottom of whatever was troubling him.
Her normal instinct would be to confront him and demand answers, but for once she was willing to take a slower approach. The last thing she wanted to do was to cause him pain. With that in mind, she kept the conversation light and focused on their task. By late afternoon, the greenhouse had been readied and the only job that remained was replacing the missing panes. He started on that while she went inside to prepare dinner.
She decided on stuffed cabbage rolls and was just pulling them out of the oven when he joined her.
“Perfect timing,” she said cheerfully. “These can rest while you shower.”
He gave an unexpected groan and pulled her into his arms. He was still damp from working, the scent of soil mingling with his own spicy scent, but she went willingly.
“Do you know how much I want this?” he demanded, his voice harsh. “Shared work and shared pleasure. A true home.”
“I want that too,” she admitted, finally facing the truth. “With you.”
He kissed her, his mouth equally demanding, then reluctantly let her go.
“I should shower.”
“All right.” She watched him go, then smiled.
After placing dinner back in the oven to keep warm, she crept quietly into the bathroom. He was still in the shower and she slipped out of her clothes and went to join him. He looked surprised, then pleased, then shocked as she dropped to her knees in front of him.
“Fojii,” he groaned, but his hand was already wrapped around her braid and she hid a smile as she took him in her hands. She’d deliberately left it restrained.
“Hush,” she whispered, letting her breath wash over his damp cock and he shuddered.