Page 44 of Temel
“Yes,” she snapped, annoyed at the label. “Who are you?”
“Harkan. Rosalie is my mate.”
“Oh, she’s Mary’s friend.”
The light dawned. Rosie had also mated an alien and lived on a nearby farm. Because she was heavily pregnant she hadn’t felt like traveling and Ida hadn’t met her yet.
“Is Mary there?” Harkan demanded.
“No, and I don’t know where she is either. Why?”
“Because I think Rosalie is in labor. I contacted her doctor, but it’s too early. He wasn’t expecting her to go so soon and they haven’t been able to reach him yet.”
“How early?” she asked.
“A couple of weeks.”
“Then there’s nothing to panic about,” she said soothingly. “Sometimes babies just come a little early. I’m sure she’ll be perfectly fine.”
“You know about these things?”
“A little. I’ve had a baby of my own and helped the midwife on occasion.”
“Then you have to come and help Rosalie. Please,” he added frantically. “She’s scared and I don’t know how to help her.”
She bit her lip, but she couldn’t leave a woman to have a baby by herself.
“All right. Where’s your farm?”
He snapped out some quick directions before signing off, and she hurried away to tell Dora where she was going. But Dora and Angel weren’t there either. She scribbled a quick note and left it next to the crib before dashing into the empty kitchen.
“Dammit, where is everyone?” she muttered.
She tried yelling out the back door, but no one answered. Still swearing under her breath, she raced off to the stable. Saddling her mare was a lot harder and took a lot longer than she remembered, but she finally made it into the saddle and set off past the empty fields, hoping she was in time.
Temel stared absently at the countryside as his horse moved rhythmically beneath him. He’d tried to work, but memories of Ida filled the study and he couldn’t stand being in there any longer. Fortunately, he’d made it to the stable without encountering anyone, but the ride had not cleared his head as he’d hoped. Instead his thoughts tumbled around in endless circles.
Her accusation that she was his ‘dirty little secret’ had been ridiculous. He’d never made any attempt to hide his feelings about her. Although he’d only mentioned her to Borgaz, he was quite sure that both Naffon and Kalpar were aware of his feelings. And yet…
He’d never touched her in front of them, never called her an affectionate name, or mentioned the time they spent together.Hadhe been trying to hide their relationship?
He’d been so happy when the week had ended and she’d agreed to move in. And then last night had been everything he could possibly have hoped for. He’d never felt as close to anotherperson. Even after she left that morning, he’d been filled with happiness. But then he happened to glance out the window.
Naffon was crossing to the milking barn. He obviously thought he was alone and he’d abandoned his usual cheerful posture. His shoulders slumped wearily, his whole posture so evocative of despair that Temel’s heart ached for him. That was when the first doubt had entered his mind.
How could he flaunt—he winced—demonstratehis own happiness while his males were so troubled. He was responsible for them, both physically and emotionally. His jaw clenched as he reminded himself of his duty. Of the need to stay focused on his role as leader.
But his chest ached at the memory of Ida’s accusing eyes, and the sight of her fighting back the tears.
He thought he was doing the right thing for his squad. Wasn’t he? He wasn’t in the habit of asking advice, preferring to shoulder his burdens alone, but did the advice Borgaz had given him apply here too? Should he simply ask them?
They’ll insist they want my happiness, he realized immediately, but that didn’t mean it would be easy for them. His thoughts made another loop before he sighed and reined in his horse. This was getting him nowhere.
Talk to Ida, an inner voice urged. Admittedly he’d tried to explain but he’d done it while she was still reeling from what she obviously considered a rejection. If he could reassure her that he cared—that he loved her—perhaps she could help him come up with a solution.
The thought pleased him and he headed home with a lighter heart, urging his horse into a gallop as his determinationincreased. He was smiling by the time he walked into the kitchen, but he knew immediately that something was wrong.