Page 11 of Crave
That’s my good girl
My heart races and my pussy flutters as I read his words.
That should not be how you react to this, Lex.
Tucking my phone back into my pocket, Kyle grumbles from the chair behind me, drawing my attention back to him.
Pulling my mask back over my face, I squat before him so we are at eye-level, “Well, hello there, sleeping beauty.”
His eyes flutter, and he stares blankly at me for a moment. I watch as they span over my face, slowly registering the skeleton shrouding the majority of my face. He jerks violently against the restraints binding him to the chair when he realizes who is standing before him.
Kyle attempts to scream, but the gag in his mouth muffles his cries. He pulls so hard at the zip-ties securing him that the steel legs of the chair scrape along the concrete floor. I allow him a moment to panic, watching as the plastic bands slowly tear through his skin. After a few minutes, the fight slowly drains from him, and he stills in his chair. He sits slumped over before me, his face red and stained with tears. Fear fills his bloodshot eyes, and I relish knowing he has become fully aware of his fate.
If only he knew what he was really in for…
“I believe I was quite clear that Alexys belongs to me.” I stand from my crouched position before him and gather the supplies I need from the table behind me.
“Please,” Kyle snivels from behind me. “Please don’t kill me.”
Keeping my back to him, I grab the thick wooden plank and hatchet before turning and responding, “That’s going to be entirely up to you, Kyle.”
“I’ll do anything. Anything you want,” the words bubble from his pathetic mouth as snot drips down his face.
“From this moment forward, you don’t know Alexys, understood?” I place the items in my hands at his feet.
His eyes focused on the hatchet beneath him; he pushes out sputtered words through his tears, “I’ll never talk to her again.”
“No,” I firmly grip his jaw, “You don’t fucking know her. As far as you’re concerned, you’ve never met, and she doesn’t fucking exist.”
“Fine,” he cries, “I don’t know her. We never met, and I have no idea who she is. Is that what you need to hear? I’ll do it! I’ll do anything! Just please don’t kill me.”
“Good,” I patronizingly slap my hand against his cheek, “That’s what I wanted to hear.”
“Are you going to let me go now?” He sucks in his snot as he sheepishly questions.
“No, not yet. You didn’t heed my warnings and laid your hands onmi reina. I do not tolerate disobedience. You need to be punished.”
Turning from him, I flip on the hot plate behind me before grabbing the board at his feet. I firmly grip his trembling hand and shove the plank between his wrists and the arm of the chair.
His eyes go wide when I lift the hatchet from the ground, and he begins to beg and plead for his life pathetically. With his forearm gripped tightly in one hand and the hatchet in the other, I lift the hatchet into the air. Swinging down, I drive it through his wrist and into the plank beneath it. A blood-curdling scream comes from his mouth as his severed hand falls to the floor at his feet.
Blood pumps from the stump bound to the chair as Kyle quickly loses consciousness. I grab the hot plate and press it to the stump to cauterize his wound. The smell of burning flesh quickly fills the warehouse. Kyle’s eyes dart open as I sear his flesh. He lets out a gurgled scream and promptly passes out again.
While he is unconscious, I wrap his burned stump in gauze and cut the ties around his legs when I bend down to retrieve his hand from the ground. Turning it over in my palm, I contemplate for a moment gift-boxing it for Alexys and chuckle to myself before dropping it into a trash bag.
I call for two of my guys to meet me at the warehouse as I wait for Kyle to come to. He groans as his eyes flutter, pained moans rattle from his as the pain coursing around his body causes him to wake.
“Who is Alexys?” my palm slaps against his face.
“I don’t know,” he cries the words through tortured screams.