Page 28 of Crave
Fuck. I am so getting fired.
While I wouldn’t normally take him up on his offer to leave early or use a company car, my body is completely exhausted. The idea of putting in a full day or walking to and from the subway both sound abhorrent.
Calling down to Driver Services, I’m informed they’ll have a car out front for me in ten minutes. Figuring it’ll only take me a couple of minutes to get down there, I head to the ladies’ room to clean up my face.
Stepping before the mirror, I immediately run my fingers through my hair to smooth it while grabbing and dampening a paper towel to clean my face. Once cleaned, I find it’s just a tiny scratch. The fleshy part of my palms have similar abrasions from rubbing against the concrete wall. I didn’t even notice, but I must’ve scraped my face against the wall as he fucked me.
Swinging back to my desk, I grab my purse and shove the folded tie into it before heading downstairs. I find the car waiting for me at the door, just as the pleasant lady on the phone had said.
We are nearly at my apartment when my phone dings.
I see mi reina listens to her boss better than she listens to me.
You might want to remember who it is that you belong to.
Thanking the driver as we pull up to my building, I let myself out and reluctantly take the stairs up to my floor. A gasp exits me as I look at the door. I don’t recall seeing it this morning in my rush, but smeared in blood is a handprint and a single word.
Snapping a photo, I send it to him.
That’s right, mi reina. You’re mine.
Since you feel like sending pictures, now send me a picture of what’s mine. Show me the cream pie I left in your abused and well-used pussy.
I don’t think so
Suit yourself. But if you don’t have one to me in ten minutes, I’ll be by later to fuck your sore cunt until it’s overflowing with my cum while I ensure you don’t have the pleasure of coming once. And when I’m satisfied, I’ll take one of my own.
The mere thought of him fucking me again, arouses and terrifies me.
I’m fucking sore.
Physically, I don’t know if I could handle another round right now, let alone several. Undoing the zipper to my skirt, I push it over my hips leaving me bare from the waist down. I take a seat at the edge of the couch and spread my thighs wide. Next, I place my phone between them, and take the photo.
Why the fuck is that hot?
I look at the photo before sending it to him. My pussy is red and swollen, with the remnants of his cum pooling at my entrance.
That’s my good girl
You look fucking delicious with my cum dripping from your cunt. I bet you taste as good as you look.
I know he’s fucking goading me, but I can’t help but give him exactly what I know he wants. Swiping on the video on my phone, I hit record before gingerly pressing my finger through his cum and inside of me. When I pull it from me, it glistens with his cum and my arousal. I slide it over my tongue and diligently suck it clean. The moment I hit stop, I send it to him before I have a moment to rethink my actions.
Even fucking better…
I wish I could hear the deep needy growl I know is grumbling over his lips.
Muting the volume, I leave my phone on the coffee table when I head to the bathroom. After turning on the water, I strip from my remaining clothes as it warms. I wrap a towel around me while the bath draws and make my way around the apartment checking all of the window and door locks.
While it appears there is no stopping him from getting to me, he is at least going to have to fucking work for it. The fact that this has become a twisted game to us both isn’t lost on me.
It’s not like you can call your shrink to tell her about the questionable game of cat and mouse you’re playing with your stalker.