Page 12 of Light on Love
And with that, he was gone.
He wouldn’t leave me alone if he thought anyone would get me between the barn and the house, Laurel reasons to herself. Even still, she moves quickly, eager to safely reach herdestination. She takes the porch steps two at a time and in just a moment, she opens the door and slides inside.
Upon doing so, Laurel finds three flannel clad men leaning on the kitchen island in conversation. Floyd is one of them, joined by the two ranch hands she had met in the barn during the cookout. Cooper and Grey, she recalls.
“You’re here to babysit me, aren’t you?” Laurel asks them as they look up at her in unison.
“Brett’s doing a perimeter check. It’s his skillset, he won’t delegate that. But he didn’t want you to be alone. He wants you safe and comfortable. Course, we do too,” Floyd answers with a soft smile.
Laurel sighs as she moves into the kitchen, she can understand that they were all just doing what they felt was their duty. And she can admit that she’s been shaky, on edge, since Brett told her that danger might be close. It would be nice to have some company right now.
“Well, I appreciate it. Since we’re here, are you hungry?”
When she’s answered with nods and eager murmurs, Laurel gets to work. It’s nice to have them all chatting while she cooks. And even nicer to not eat alone.
They discuss the ranch happenings casually. Talking about the weather, the herd, and the pregnant mare. After a round of tacos, Cooper pulls out a deck of cards. “How about a game?”
“You’re cheating!”
“Coop, don’t be a sore loser,” Floyd scolds as Laurel lays out another winning hand.
“Your poker face is just horrible, Cooper. You’ll never win until you get that under wraps,” she offers with a laugh.
“Okay, I’m done with cards. Let’s watch something.”Cooper picks up the remote to turn on the tv, being met with the most recent paused episode of Gilmore Girls.
“Gilmore Girls? Really?”
“Hey, you recognize what it is!” Laurel points out with a smile. “And don’t you dare say a negative word about Stars Hollow or its residents.”
“Hit play Coop. The least we can do is let the lady watch her show. Give hersomethingnormal,” Grey cuts in, compassion in his voice.
Cooper does as he’s told before getting up with Grey to get more food. Turning to Floyd, Laurel asks, “isn’t Cooper young to be living on the ranch?”
“He was a foster kid, Mary and I took him in. When he turned 18 last year, Brett was kind enough to bring him on and let him stay in the Hayes Ranch family.” Floyd pauses briefly before adding, “he’s rough around the edges, but has a heart of gold.”
Laurel raises an eyebrow at him, “Brett or Cooper?”
The old man smiles and settles back deeper in his seat, turning his attention to the tv. She wants to ask more about her bodyguard, until the sound of footsteps causes everyone to pause. When Brett enters, there is a feeling of relief in the air. His eyes scan the room, landing on Laurel and holding her gaze for a moment before kicking off his boots. Wordlessly, he moves to the table and unloads the arsenal of weapons he apparently carries on his body.
“What are youwatching?”Brett asks, breaking his silence. The question is answered with a chorus of laughs and nothing more. After a beat, he rolls his eyes and continues, “everything is secure, you guys can take off.”
Brett’s attention shifts to the remnants of tacos on the counter. “Thanks,” he adds, popping a tortilla chip in his mouth. With a few goodbyes, Laurel is left alone with him onceagain.“Looks like you guys had fun.” He surveys the food, cards, and beer scattered about.
“You’re right, they’re good guys. Awful poker players though. Aren’t cowboys supposed to be good at that? You know, down time in the cottages and all?”
Brett smirks, “you watch too much Yellowstone.” Then his face falls. Looking around the kitchen, there is a hint of disappoint in his eyes. “You gave them my dinner?”
“I put a plate aside for you before I told them it was ready,” Laurel says with a smile, motioning towards the fridge. She sits up and leans over the back of the couch, watching him intently.“So, you’ve been enjoying those dinners then?”
Brett turns towards her, plate in hand. After a pause, he lifts his eyes to meet hers. “They may be my favorite part of the day.”
Laurel’s heart stutters at the seriousness of his tone. His honesty makes her want to be open in return. “I would like it if we can eat some together,” she says softly. Brett’s jaw flexes before he nods in agreement.
He comes around and sits on the couch beside her with his food as she turns back around, pulling her legs in to curl up. For a while, they sit in silence, her watching tv and him eating. She feels comfortable just being there with him, something she wouldn’t have guessed based on how he’d been described around the base.
“Ray’s call today…” his voice cuts through her thoughts.