Page 58 of Huge Games
I might want her, but I don't need her in the same way Elias does.
Could I give up my claim on her?
I'm not sure.
"The past follows us around like a mangy dog." He indicates to the barman to bring him another beer.
"Celine wants you, you know."
His eyes cut to mine, emptier than I've ever seen them.
"Celine doesn't know what she wants."
We might not be playing games anymore, but somehow, this thing between us all seems even more tangled than at the start.
My head is banging in time to the beat. I didn't want to come to this stupid bar, but I knew Dornan would have made a big deal about it if I refused. He's on a mission to save me. He thinks he knows what my life has been like, and now, because he has a great father who loves him, and I don't, he wants to fix me.
I knock back a shot of tequila, not even bothering to suck on the lime. The sour, bitter taste jolts me, and the burn down my throat sears like bile.
I still don't know why my dad picked tonight to watch my game. It's been years since he turned up to anything of mine. In fact, I can't actually remember the last time he showed me any interest. Maybe he needs money. Maybe that's what he planned to talk to me about? Not that I have any to give him. Even if I did, I wouldn't share it with him.
Instead, Dornan's dad and his generosity and kindness highlighted what an asshole my dad is.
The way they all looked at him made me sick to my stomach. Having a shit family is bad enough. But people finding out I have a shit family is peak humiliation.
Celine and Travis are dancing. Well, Celine is dancing, and Travis is watching. Dornan's talking to Ellie, as usual. The others are around here somewhere, but none of them care enough about me to notice if I leave. Now's my chance to get out of here and lick my wounds privately.
I'm unsteady on my feet, and the weight of my bag doesn't help. I nod to the bouncer as I exit and am hit in the face by cool air, which goes some way towards clearing my mind.
I don't have my car with me, and money for a cab will wipe me out. It'll take me thirty minutes to walk home from here, but that will be enough time to sober up. I might even grab myself a burger on the way.
By the time I reach my dorm, my legs are dead, and my head feels like it's about to explode. Even the greasy burger didn't have the power to soak up all the shots I drank without wanting to. I fumble to get my key into the lock and dump my bag onto the ground with a thud.
I should clean my teeth and wash my face. Maybe drink some water and find some pills. I'm already anticipating a mighty hangover.
Ultimately, I manage the water, the Advil, and a rough clean of my teeth before flopping on the bed. I'm about to slide into the black abyss of drunken dreamland when my phone rings. Cracking one eye open, I answer when I see that it's Celine. "Open up. I'm outside."
"Open the door."
She hangs up, and I blink, unsure if the call really happened or if I had imagined it.
I groan as I roll out of bed and rub my stomach as I make my way to the door. With every footstep, my head pounds. I buzz the front door open and wait, listening for Celine's footsteps, holding onto the top of the doorjamb for stability. Multiple sets of footsteps thud against thestairs. Voices rumble, and Celine laughs. When she finally comes into view, she's flanked by Dornan and Travis. What the fuck?
"I was sleeping," I groan.
"You left the bar without saying goodbye."
"You're not my girlfriend," I grunt.
Celine's hands rest on her hips as she surveys me. Luckily, I have my black boxer briefs on, but the rest of me is naked. "It's polite to let people know if you're leaving, Elias. We were worried about you."
"Yeah? Well, you don't need to worry about me. I'm good."